Some things you can't forgive and forgot.

Liam: She's not a bodyguard, she's from the studio to keep away the paparazzi.
Annie: From your guarding it.

After a week dodging questions about how my ass looks on youtube, a day at the fertility clinic sounds fun.

Did you cut photos of me out of Tiger Beat too?

I appreciate your expertise, but I could do without the patronizing and condescension.

Liam: Hey, you were always a teacher's pet.
Silver: I was always a good student, there's a difference.

Liam: I would kill to get some time away.
Navid: Time away from what? You're a movie star.

I hope this doesn't count as my last meal.

I am holding out for a life with someone who cares about me, not some crazy lying bitch.

Nice phone, princess.

Navid: It wasn't some stranger. It was you. You slept with Silver.
Liam: Wait..she told you?
Navid: No, you just did, you son of a bitch!

For me, last night couldn't have just happened with anyone Silver, I think I have feelings for you.


I saw him kissing that barefoot surfer chick. Apparently, he likes the smell of BO.


Join The Blaze! We may not be popular, but we've got heart.
