Barb: Marge, do you like a blessing?
Margene: Blessing?
Barb: Yeah, just a small one. But, sometimes we ache in only ways our heavenly father could help us with.

(about the Jewel song) I love this song! It's so moving. It's so sad, ya know. She's just a girl that wanted to get out.

Why are you snapping at me? Nikki's the one who beat up a kid.

Everyone is calling me a liar. I can't take it.

Michael: You look about as sad as sad can be.
Margene: I'm just not having a very good day.
Michael: Don't you know, there's no such thing as bad days. Just days we haven't seized our opportunities.

Nicki - Wow!

I think it's really important for women to stick together.

Did you see that, Barb won't even look at me.

Its not going to be my fault that you kicked Ben out - no way.

Barb: You just flirted your way into our marriage as a baby sitter and now you are a cradle robber.
Margene: F - you Barb.

My husband abandoned me... I'm just a single mom with three kids trying to sell shiny things.

Yes Margene, something you would know nothing about growing up in a trailer.


Big Love Quotes

Sarah: Why can't we just hire a babysitter like everyone else?
Barb: Because we're not everyone else

Margene: Does that mean you miss me more?
Bill: Officially... I miss you guys all the same.