Miranda: I can't believe I'm going to say this, but it feels wierd without her here.
Samantha: That's such a Charlotte thing to say.

Charlotte: I can't sign that. I can't marry someone knowing they feel this way.
Miranda: Listen, this is just their opening offer, it totally standard you go back in a negotiate.
Charlotte: Negotiate? I can't even buy stuff on sale.

Miranda: Um!
Charlotte: What?
Miranda: This is a little unusual, he has you on a vesting schedule. For every five years that you're married you get a percentage of five hundred thousand dollars.
Charlotte: I'm only worth five hundred thousand dollars?
Miranda: Over thirty years.
Carrie: Well, maybe that's their wholesale price?
Miranda: And, if you have any boys, you'll get another hundred grand free and clear.
Carrie: How much for girls?
Miranda: Nada!
Carrie: Well, that's just bad buisness.

Carrie: Big's leaving his wife.
Samantha: I knew it.
Cahrlotte: Oh my God!
Miranda: No!
Carrie: He got drunk and told me at the furniture show.
Miranda: What was he doing at the furniture show?
Carrie: Drinking and leaving his wife.

Carrie: There should be some sort of city funded break-up housing, for those who find themselves in need.
Miranda: Really?
Carrie: Like a big orphanage, filled with white beds, where old boyfriends could think about what they did wrong, and cry themselves to sleep, in a clean safe environment.

Miranda: You can't live here.
Steve: It's not that bad.
Miranda: It's not that bad? It's the doorway to hell.

Charlotte: Trey, and I really love each other. In fact, I'm meeting his mother this week, and if all goes well...
Miranda: If all goes well, what?
Charlotte: Trey, is this close to proposing, I can feel it.
Carrie: Oh, my God!
Miranda: You just met. I've had pair of pantyhose longer.
Charlotte: Miranda, it's not logical, this is love. It's not logical, it's right, in my heart, I feel it's right.
Miranda: Okay, whatever!

Carrie: You think, maybe, you don't want him to move away?
Miranda: No, it's not that simple. My head tells me its time for him to leave, but, the idea of him moving to a basement apartment on the corner of depressing, and west shit street, really breaks my heart.

Miranda: Didn't you feel like punching him?
Carrie: No, it was too sad or something.
Miranda: I would've punched him
Charlotte: No, it is sad. How long has he been married, what, seven months?
Samantha: Um, the seven month itch.

Miranda: It has a lot to do with nutrition. I once dated a smoker and it affected how his tasted.
Carrie: They should put that on the pack, if they want to cut back sales.

Samantha: I'm dating a guy with the nastiest tasting spunk.
(the girls glare at each other and Charlotte gets up and leave)
Miranda: And she's never coming back.
Samantha: Well, I'm sorry, who else can I talk to about this?
Carrie: Might I suggest no one.
Samantha: You are my girlfriends, help me? Have you ever had this problem?
Miranda: Not really, but I have to admit, that it's never been a trip to Baskin Robbins.

Carrie, we can analyse this for years and never know the answer. I mean, they still don't know who killed Kennedy.


Sex and the City Quotes

It's like the riddle of the Sphinx. Why are there so many great unmarried women, and no great unmarried men?


(After Carrie gets off Mr. Big's car)
Carrie: Wait! Have you ever been in love?
Mr. Big: Abso-fucking-lutely.