Mrs. Ari: You are such an asshole.
Ari: I'm the asshole that pays for your art lessons and gets celebrities to attend your charity events, and supports your deadbeat brother.
Mrs. Ari: Hey little agent boy, you better be back here for the cake.
Ari: Okay

Ari: Playboy mansion, strip clubs, whore houses, I go where the meetings are. It's my fucking job.
Mrs. Ari: I want three weeks in the south of France with the children.
Ari: Oh my God, baby!
Mrs. Ari: With you. And if you're not home by 2:00 AM, I'll be standing at the gates screaming "Ari Gold, super agent, forgot his Viagra!"
Ari: Sounds good

Mrs. Gold: Melinda, it's so great to see you.
Melinda: You too. You look fabulous.
Mrs. Gold: Thank you.
Melinda: Being a housewife certainly agrees with you.
Mrs. Gold: And playing a raging bitch on TV certainly agrees with you. You're so natural.
Melinda: Well, if you hadn't quit acting at 25, it might have been you in a hit TV show

Mrs. Gold: You're being ridiculous!
Ari: I'm being... That's exactly what you said at the "Bill and Ted" premiere when Terrance said, "I'll take Keanu, you take the other guy."

Mrs. Gold: Ari, you're a partner now. You don't have to be afraid of him anymore.
Ari: I'm afraid of him? I'll beat that old fuck and throw him in the pool.
Ari [to the kids]: Only Daddy speaks that way.

[Ari's daughter is practicing for her Bat Mitzvah...]
Ari [to his daughter: Fabulous, baby, fabulous!
Ari [to his wife]: Hey, is it me, or is her voice getting worse?
Mrs. Gold: Ari...
Ari: Doesn't mean I don't love her, but she's just awful, baby

Ari: Come on. Baby. This is our song. You are my life. Now I'm not going in that house until you dance with me, right now. Come on.
Mrs. Gold: Music's gone, Ari.
Ari: That's weird, but I can still feel it!

Ari: You know what? I haven't stopped thinking about you. Baby, you're my everything!
Mrs. Gold: Lloyd, what the hell is wrong with him?
Lloyd: He's in love, is all! Good night

Ari: You pick up my suit from the tailor?
Mrs. Ari: I'm going to the fucking tailor, Ari. To pick up the new fucking $5,000 suit that I fucking paid for!

Mrs. Gold: My father put that money aside for me incase something happened to us and its almost gone.
Ari: But we're still here! And I could have banged Heidi Klum when she was 23, but I took a pass. What the fuck is gonna make me leave now?
Mrs. Gold: You could die.
Ari: You'd like that wouldn't you?
Mrs. Gold: Not until I saw that the life insurance check didn't bounce

Mrs. Gold: You eat at The Palm four nights a week!
Ari: Do I ever order the lobster? No, I order the Gigi salad and I sign clients

Ari's Wife: Could I have the car keys please?
Ari: Come on! There's a cab stand at fucking Yawnka!
Ari's Wife: Give me the fucking keys!
[Ari hands over keys]
Ari: Drop me off

Entourage Quotes

They drive that way in Tienanmen Square, bitch?


Turtle: Kristin's fucking Vince Vaughn!
Eric: What are you talking about? She's back with that restaurant guy...
Turtle: She was in the middle of 40 Deuce with her hands down Vince Vaughn's pants.
Eric: She had her hands down his pants?!
Drama: Yeah, both of 'em.
Eric: Vince Vaughn?! That puffy motherfucker?!
Drama: Nah, bro, he didn't look puffy at all. He was looking real good.
Turtle: Yeah, it was kinda like "Swingers" Vince Vaughn, not Old School Vince Vaughn... it's kinda like New School Vince Vaughn

Entourage Music

  Song Artist
Song Lemon And Lime Daniel Lenz
Soul Of A Man Beck iTunes
Song Shutterbugg Big Boi iTunes