Oh my God, can I just tell you how nice it is not to have anything on my schedule for a change!

Surprise your boyfriend in Vegas? That sounds like a plan.

I want to bring my sad and pathetic friends with me.

Security, get rid of this bitch!

I wonder what I'm good at?

I feel nothing for you.

Do you actually think I would wear rayon?

Naomi: You don't know what I want.
Austin: But I know what you need.

I bet his daddy can get us a nice jug band.

I'm gonna put new meaning behind the phrase "political party".

Tastes the same no matter what you drink it out of, right?

I suddenly feel like myself again. The best version of myself.


I saw him kissing that barefoot surfer chick. Apparently, he likes the smell of BO.


Join The Blaze! We may not be popular, but we've got heart.
