Jane: Is she all right?
Lisbon: Yeah.
Bosco: Thank God.
Jane: Well, thank kevlar, actually.

Good luck Teresa. Love you.

Tea? It's like a hug in a cup.

Lisbon: Jane, I need you.
Jane: It's nice to be needed. Anything for you Lisbon.

The idea of letting anyone close to me is terrifying for obvious reasons but the truth Teresa is that I can't imagine waking up knowing that I won't see you. The truth is I love you.

She does the detecting and I do the insulting.

But I'm not po po - I am a po po consultant.

I have no questions. You're an evil, sexually perverted sociopath with pathetic delusions of grandeur. The rest is just details.

Patrick: You don't like the way I drive, you despise it.
Teresa: You drive way too fast.
Patrick: I drive just fast enough. You hate not being the one in control and yet you're willing to overcome your irrational fears to cheer me up. That's a beautiful thing, Lisbon. Thank you, I'd love to drive.
Teresa: Never mind.

This man's dead. I'm all but certain of it.

When you tell me boring things, I set them free immediately. It saves on overcrowding.

Bad news. You're under arrest you loony bitch.

The Mentalist Quotes

Lisbon: How are the kids?
Rigsby: Sticky mostly.

Jane: You look marginally rested.
Lisbon: I was hoping to actually get to REM sleep tonight.