I'm not sure which Constitutional amendment covers the right to a beer.

Peter: Either Wendell is the best actuary in the world...
Jared: Or he's a pathological serial killer.

Peter: Dogs can sense evil.
Jared: I think that's earthquakes, Buddy.

I can't take care of a kid. I can barely take care of myself.

Peter: At the risk of sounding completely ridiculous, Twinkie?
Charlie: Breakfast of champions.

Curbside law, Pindy. Indoor furniture found outside is deemed abandoned and free to take.

Peter: You are so going to marry her.
Jared: I know.

Rachel: What kind of monster to you think I am?
Jared: Shape shifter.
Peter: Swamp demon.

Peter: Look at you doing the walk of shame here at the office.
Jared: Not walk of shame. Walk of glory.

Coleen: I took him to the room that I use for more confidential encounters.
Peter: Please don't say my room.
Colleen: Well it has a wonderful view of the canyon, honey.

Charlie: You went to college?
Peter: Best decade of my life.

Pindar: Do you guys know what spontaneous combustion means?
Peter: Latin for Pindar.

Franklin & Bash Quotes

See that's a talent, sounding like a total asshole even when you're supposedly saying something sincere.


"Sorry, sorry. Jean Claude Van Damme marathon last night. Unavoidable.
