I looked down at that miracle in my hand, and I just knew. General surgery had chosen me. Well, one day, you'll know.

I'll accept the risk. Because you are worth it. Because you matter to me. Because I love you. And I'm not going anywhere.

Let me tell you, it scared the hell out of me. Because the minute you see all the things you have, you see all the things you stand to lose.

A month ago, you were in med school being taught by doctors. Today, you are the doctors.

Richard: I am not crying wolf
Bailey: Sir?
Richard: I do not make decisions lightly. And I don't bow to dictators. Miranda Bailey, you will be Grey Sloan Memorial's next chief of surgery. Congratulations.
Bailey: Thank you?

Richard: You drank too much. You screwed up, and now everything is crashing down around you.
Jo: Just go.
Richard: Well you came to the right guy because I have done it more than you ever will, and I can tell you from experience, with a little coffee and sunlight, the troubles will get smaller and the world will keep standing. I promise.

Richard: What do we need to know in order to do our jobs and not simply be mechanics?
Owen: How are we... we're not being mechanics!
Richards: You're treating this patient like a sack of organs on a table.

Richard: We need to discuss the options.
Meredith: No we don't.
Richard: Why not?
Meredith: Because you also have the Chief of General Surgery in here, Dr. Webber, and I outrank you.

Miranda: I made a decision about what is best for the hospital moving forward, and I didn't want my personal feelings, my very strong personal feelings to get in the way of that decision. If I do that, I won't be able to do this job.
Richard: Bailey, we reach into people's bodies and hold their lives and their futures in our hands. There's nothing more personal than this job, in how we treat a patient, in how we raise our doctors and teach them how to do this work. Every decision that you make should be a personal one. If it isn't, then you have no business being chief.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
