ADDISON: "I guess that puts an end to the evening."
DEREK: "Yeah."
RICHARD: "I guess it does." [Addison and Richard leave]
FINN: [to Meredith] "I'll drive you home."
DEREK: "Meredith." [Meredith, Finn and Derek all look at each other, exchanging knowing glances]
FINN: "Meredith..."

CAMILLE: "Be kind to Brian. He loves me. I've been loved. And that’s something everyone should have once in their life. I've been loved. Thank you for the prom, Uncle Richard."
RICHARD: "You're welcome."

RICHARD: "I've known you for a long time. I know your mother and father. And I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you did not cut those LVAT wires. Meredith, I need you to tell me who did it."
MEREDITH: "I've been going over this and over this in my mind trying to piece this together. It was you. You're the reason my parents broke up. And it wasn't just an affair, she really loved you. It wasn't just this cheap thing where she didn’t tell you she was married. It wasn't all a lie. She left her husband for you. But you stayed with your wife, because it was the right thing to do. Maybe safe, but she was the right person for you to be with. Let's face it, my mother? Nothing wrong with being safe, being with the good guy because he's good and we are talking about forever here. You've never regretted your decision. You've never looked back... right?"

IZZIE: "I'm a pretty girl."
RICHARD: "What?"
IZZIE: "I'm not being arrogant, it's just, it's just kind of a fact. For a long time I made a career from my looks, so I get it, I'm a pretty girl. And not in a 'from a certain angle' way, in an obvious way. It’s the blonde thing and the big boobs thing. Big boobs are a key to 'obvious pretty' if you know what I'm saying."
RICHARD: "Dr. Stevens-"
IZZIE: "It's how men see me. I'm not a smart girl or an interesting girl, I'm a pretty girl. The blonde and the boobs, it confuses guys into thinking I'm someone else. And I'm used to it. And I'm used to them walking away when they realize… But then Denny goes and asks me to marry him."
RICHARD: "Is that why you cut the wires?"
IZZIE: "He doesn't make me feel like I'm a pretty girl. He makes me feel like… like me. I think he might know me. And so, if I did cut the LVAT wire, and I'm not saying that I did, but if I did, then no. I don't feel guilty. I know that I should. I would if it were anybody else's. But I can't feel anything but happy."

CRISTINA: "How do you keep your edge, sir? Because I've watched you and you've been doing this a long time and you're clean, you're focused, you are the job. Nothing gets to you. And the thing is sir, I was like that, until I got here. Until I actually started doing this job and now everything is... is fuzzy and-"
RICHARD: "That’s beside the point."
CRISTINA: "No, you see sir, this is the point. Because I can't tell you. I can't tell you what happened in that room. And before, I could have. No guilt, no loyalties, no problem. Before, before I wouldn't have even been in that room. I wouldn't have gotten involved. I would have never frozen in surgery. I would have told him what I thought he should do. I had an edge sir. I had an edge and I've lost it, and I need it. I need it back. So, if you could just tell me, how you keep yours and how not to be affected, I know I could be a great surgeon. So if you could just give me the answers, I would really appreciate it."
RICHARD: "You're excused, Dr. Yang."
RICHARD: "You're excused. Go."
CRISTINA: "I'll tell you, I'll tell you who cut the LVAT wires if you'll please-"
RICHARD: "No you won't, I don't wanna know. Not from you. Yeah, I have the answers, but I can't tell them to you. I'm not going to be responsible for you becoming less human."

[the cast, narrating]
MEREDITH: "Human beings need a lot of things to feel alive."
GEORGE: "Family"
IZZIE: "Sex"
DEREK: "But we only need one thing"
RICHARD: "To actually be alive."
CRISTINA: "We need a beating heart."
ADDISON: "When our heart is threatened"
ALEX: "We respond in one of two ways."
GEORGE: "We either run or-"
IZZIE: "We attack."
RICHARD: "There's a scientific term for this."
ALEX: "Fight..."
ADDISON: "...or flight."
MIRANDA: "It's instinct."
MEREDITH: "We can't control it."
IZZIE: "Or can we?"

RICHARD: "I know your type. You're a surgical junkie."
RICHARD: "I'm just saying, it's not going to be easy for you to be away from the O.R. for long."
CRISTINA: "No sir."
RICHARD: "And if you want to get back to the O.R., you're gonna tell me what I need to know."
CRISTINA: [pauses] "You're right, it's not easy for me to be away from the O.R. And it's not easy for me to sit in front of you, or any other authority figure for that matter, and not be able to give you the exact answer that you want to hear. I'm the one with the answers. I've always been the one with the answers. But right now, sir, I don't have any."

RICHARD: "One of you compromised a patient's life. One of you stole an organ. One of you jeopardized the integrity of this hospital and of UNOS. Now you tell me and you tell me right now. [silence] Alright, fine. No surgeries."
RICHARD: "No one scrubs in, no one watches from the gallery, no one so much as goes near the O.R. Until someone confesses, you will share a single patient, Camille Travis. Whatever she wants, the five of you will provide it. Get the hell out of my sight."

RICHARD: "Yang, Shepherd's asking for you."
CRISTINA: [pauses] "For Burke's surgery?"
RICHARD: "Yes, hurry up."
CRISTINA: "Uh... I can't. I'm in a time-out.
RICHARD: "Well, time-out's over, Yang. We need you."

[drinking coffee] "You don't know how much I wish this was bourbon."

ADDISON: "I know what you're going to say Richard, but if you knew the day I've had-"
RICHARD: "Everybody in this hospital has those days, Addison, and no one makes a scene in front of their peers. Get it together. [pauses] Addison?"
ADDISON: "I can't compete. He's not having an affair. He's not trying to hurt me. He's just... the only people who don't know that Derek loves Meredith are Derek and Meredith. How do I compete with that?"

DEREK: "Maybe you should've thought of all this before you gave chief to Burke and invited Satan to Seattle."
RICHARD: "Satan?"
ADDISON: "Good morning Richard, like the hat."
DEREK: "Satan speaks."
ADDISON: "Actually, I prefer to be called ruler of all that is evil. But I will answer to Satan."

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
