Serena: Mom, I saw her myself. She's fine. I promise.
Lily: Well that's not for you to decide. Carol is her mother and I'm not going to participate in deceiving her.

Charlie: What about Blair or Dan or... everyone else. I don't think they'll be thrilled to find out the psychotic freak is back in town.
Serena: Please. This place is a mecca for psychotic freaks. Everyone goes off the rails at some point around here. It's practically a rite of passage on the Upper East Side. It's our version of a Bar Mitzvah.

Serena: Woah. That is not the look of a girl in an Empire state of mind.
Charlie: Last week at Grandma's was great, but I don't know. I think it was a mistake to come back.
Serena: Stop worrying about your mom. Cece won't tell a soul you're here.

Serena: Have you ever thought about writing a book?
Chuck: People like me don't write books, they're written about.

Chuck: Serena, you accepted responsibility without hesitation for maybe the first time in your life. And Nate, you had more fun not being you than you've had actually being you. Which means you now know you need to change.
Serena: Is it just me, or is what he saying actually making sense?
Nate: Maybe we're not awake yet.

Marshall: I need this job more than you do, okay? I pay for my life. I have student loans, rent, a car lease. I can't afford to get fired.
Serena: And I can?
Marshall: You're Serena van der Woodsen. You do one lap around this party you'll get ten job offers. You weren't even looking when you found this one.

Serena: Oh! I forgot to ask you, how was the audition?
Nate: Well after I told them I wasn't an actor, they said that's too bad because you'd be perfect as a kid from an East Coast political family who's constantly manipulated while trying to keep everyone around him happy. They told me that.

Jane: Serena. Are you looking for Marshall?
Serena: No, you actually.
Jane: I hope it's to tell me why you didn't follow up after our first meeting. I didn't scare you away, did I?
Serena: No no, I just didn't want to step on Marshall's toes.
Jane: Why not? Keeping him on them is what David hired you to do. If it weren't for you, he wouldn't have even read the book.

Serena: Yes, it's a dirty word?
Chuck: The word is Yes. I say it at anything. If an opportunity presents itself I take it. There's nothing I won't try once. Even happiness.
Nate: He's very inspiring. I've been saying all summer he should run an infomercial.

Serena: Woah. Usually when you smile like this you look like a creepy Cheshire Cat. But this one is real. What is your secret and if it's legal I want some.
Chuck: It's not a substance. It's a state of mind. A word.
Serena: Let me guess, a dirty word.
Chuck: "Yes".

Serena: How did you guys end up here? And who's boat is this?
Nate: This is Allegra Versace's. Chuck won it in a poker game in Chiang Mai. He won Allegra too, but that's another story.

Serena: Have you picked a date yet?
Blair: We're thinking November.
Serena: Well that doesn't give me nearly enough time to find a dress to outshine yours. And you know I'll be wearing white, of course.
Blair: What are you talking about? I already told Louis; seamstresses to make you a maid-of-honor dress in the brightest fuchsia they could find.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Better lock it down with Nate, B. Clock is ticking.

Gossip Girl

Mrs. Waldorf: If you're gonna wear one of my designs, at least tell me so we can have it fitted.
Blair: Thanks, mom.