How could five of the world's most popular musical styles played at the same time sound so bad?

[to Angie] OK, I'll be in touch. You still use your Hotmail account?

That's a great goal for a crazy person.

Liz: Maybe we can undid these handcuffs.
Tracy: Racist!

Recently I realized I have a hole in my heart. And not the one I got from eating batteries.

I'll do the Christmas shopping this year and prove to you that I can be reliable and that I can finish everything I...

He knows you're special, like a black stripper with blue eyes.

Wade Boggs Carpet World, Wade Boggs Carpet World, Wade Boggs Carpet World, Wade Boggs Carpet World.

That was aboot the coolest thing I've ever seen.

Tracy: And one more piece of advice from someone who has been on this side of the business for a long time: Wade Boggs Carpet World.

[to Liz] Was describing your sandwich in detail necessary to our understanding of what happened?

Keep refreshing. Maybe Andy Dick has died in the last 20 seconds.