You're wise, Liz Lemon. Like a genetically-manipulated shark.

Passive resistance! I learned it from Doctor King! I'm brave!

Heavy is the head that eats the crayons.

Frank: Has anyone looked at this sexual harassment stuff they gave us?
Tracy: I don't need to read it; the whole thing is loosely based on an evening I had with Isiah Thomas.

I'm sorry to use my barn voice, but I'm riled up!

Oh no, Kenneth's a killer, and the Riddler is coming!

When I was a kid growing up in the projects, I would look up into the stars and dream of going into space, escaping the slums, and killing an Ewok!

If you have a spaceship and you're looking for a hilarious astronaut with an irregular heartbeat and $30 million, I am prepared to leave as soon as tomorrow. I wrote that yesterday.

Tracy: What is this, Horseville? Because I'm surrounded by naysayers. Wordplay!
Liz: That is solid.

If you have enough money you can do whatever you want! Now I can appear on Martha Stewart Live. Oh, and it's going to be raunchy!

[to Jenna] Wake up motherf****r!"

[on birthdays] I don't need it. I buy myself all the presents I need. And because of my drinking, I'm often surprised.