Annie: I'll be at the movies with my Bubby.
Troy: You're not taking both of them?
Annie: Well one's dead.
Troy: WHAT!

You're moving in was supposed to turn us calm!

Annie, do you know how many sitcoms have done the secretly replace a priceless item thing? Because Abed does. Abed knows everything.

Brought to you by the yogurt Jamie Lee Curtis uses to poop!

We're live tweeting Annie's move on twitter, hashtag Annie's move.

Cool, I can't feel my pants.

Troy: You tried to destroy us, but you only made us-
Troy/Abed: More Awesome!!!

Pierce: What did I do to deserve that? Keep me out of your stupid stories.
Troy: I didn't say it was you. I said it was a crazy, old, racist doctor.

Troy: Do we have to refill the toilet olives?
Abed: Nope I just checked.
Troy: You're the best roommate. Wanna stay up all night talking in our bunkbeds?

Jeff: Oh look! Indiana Jones and the Apartment of Perpetual Virginity.
Troy: Chops busted fellow adult, chops busted.

That guys sucks harder than toilets in an airplane bathroom.

Troy [about Jeff]

We spend too much time together.


Community Quotes

Jeff: Everyone on this campus is nuts
Leonard [in pool]: Not me!
Jeff: Oh come on Leonard, if you're going to argue with me, put on a bathing suit
Leonard: Busted

I've loved you since there was only one Soviet Union and one Damon Wayans.
