Lemoned? That's not a thing people are saying now, is it?


As a frequent receiver of drunk messages, they are not cute. Even when they're from Liz.


They're probably having beach sex. Which is the third best sex after elevator and White House.


The last thing I remember is going into a closet and changing clothes with Bob Ballard.


Jenna: [on fake-dating James] Do you believe they came to me before Aida from Real World: Cancun?

  • Permalink: Cancun?
  • Added:

[forgetting what floor he works on] Six! I knew it was a character from Blossom, but I couldn't find the Joey Russo button.


The local station edited Will & Grace so much that it was just called Karen.


30 Rock Season 4 Episode 9 Quotes

[forgetting what floor he works on] Six! I knew it was a character from Blossom, but I couldn't find the Joey Russo button.


The local station edited Will & Grace so much that it was just called Karen.
