(Sees Buster and the stripper both knocked out)
Michael: I'm calling the cops.
Gob: No!
Bix: We're changing again, guys.
Gob: No. No cops!

George Michael: The-the problem I'm having is, uh ... I have a pretty finely tuned internal clock ...
Michael: Mm-hmm.
George Michael: ... Which is actually why I'm such a good natural percussionist ...

Narrator: And Michael tried to find the money the accountant said was missing.
George Sr.: I don't know. I probably stole it. I mean, if he says it's missing, it is. Unless he stole it. Hey, maybe he stole it.
Michael: He's the one who said it's missing.
George Sr.: Yeah, I probably stole it.

Gob: Yeah, I think that they're going to know that Annyong's not your --
Annyong: Annyong.
Gob: Would somebody please tell this insufferable child ... to ... God!

Narrator: And Michael arrived home determined to prove that he was, in fact, fun.
Michael: I just booked us a little fishing trip.
George Michael: Why, what did I do?

This family is not about to start using. We are pushers, not takers.


Arrested Development Season 1 Episode 19 Quotes

Gob: Yeah, I think that they're going to know that Annyong's not your --
Annyong: Annyong.
Gob: Would somebody please tell this insufferable child ... to ... God!

Gilligan killed the skipper ... stripper!
