(After Rita has walked on the water)
Michael: Hang on a sec. That's part of your trick, right?
Gob: No, that's not my trick, Michael.
Narrator: On the next Arrested Development ...
Gob: It's my illusion.

George/Larry: Larry, go to a mirror. You're fired.
Larry: What?
George/Larry: It's over.
Larry: And this is how you tell me? In the middle of a wedding?!
George/Larry: You shouldn't have said anything.
Larry: You shouldn't have said anything!

Trevor: I've got a problem with you having sexual relations with that man.
Narrator: So do I.

George Sr.: Just because a woman gets pregnant doesn't mean you have to marry her. Too many lives have been ruined because some cheap waitress at a HoJo said she used an IUD.
Lucille It was a Stucky's.
George Sr.: But I believed you.

Michael: You've never told me how many houses there are in the British Parliament.
Rita: Seven.
Michael: Are there?
Narrator: The answer is three.
Michael: Does sound about right.
Narrator: Three is the correct answer.

Lucille: Where's your hand?
Buster: I'm having my high school ring put on it. And my hook is stuck in the stair car.

Michael: I am getting married.
George Sr.: Who the hell to?
Michael: Who do you think? Rita.
Lucille: Her?

(performing a card trick) He takes his queen and showers her with diamonds! (pulls a club from the deck) Clubs. Club sauce! He showers her with club sauce. All right, that'll be my line if that happens.


(about Rita) She was "special," but she wasn't smart.


Trevor: It's not your fault your parents were cousins, but here we are. I've been charged with taking care of you, and I'm bloody well going to do it.
Rita: Well, Michael will be my cousin soon enough, 'cause we're getting married!

Rita: Is that a magic trick? I love magic.
Gob: I don't appreciate the dry British humor.

Michael: You guys got these jackets on inside out?
Rita: Yeah, that way you see the label.
Lindsay: I mean, that's what you're paying for, right? It's a great statement on fashion.

Arrested Development Season 3 Episode 6 Quotes

George/Larry: Larry, go to a mirror. You're fired.
Larry: What?
George/Larry: It's over.
Larry: And this is how you tell me? In the middle of a wedding?!
George/Larry: You shouldn't have said anything.
Larry: You shouldn't have said anything!

(After Rita has walked on the water)
Michael: Hang on a sec. That's part of your trick, right?
Gob: No, that's not my trick, Michael.
Narrator: On the next Arrested Development ...
Gob: It's my illusion.