I don't fit in here anymore and the longer I stay here the worse I am! It wasn't supposed to be this way. It wasn't supposed to be this way!! No. There's nothing left in this house for me but a failed experiment. I'm moving out.


Aidan: So. Coffee stain.
Josh: No. Feces. Spilled a bed pan. Awesome day.

I am so lucky to have you in my life. Having you her makes me feel like I can, like we can do everything right.


Josh? Oh my gosh! Boy butt! Boy butt!


I'm the ghost of Christmas Suck it!


It's like there's no version of myself that doesn't mess everything up.


Not the only difference is instead of two monsters, there's three. What?!


I'm from the future.


Oh my God bangs! It looks good... looks good on you face.


Who talks to somebody they love like that? I should have never said yes to you Danny. I should have never said yes to any of this!


Being Human Season 4 Episode 8 Quotes

Oh my God bangs! It looks good... looks good on you face.


Who talks to somebody they love like that? I should have never said yes to you Danny. I should have never said yes to any of this!
