Ah, another day of crime fighting. We should get capes.


If you need to hire a shark, make sure you get the Great White.


Basically, if something tastes good I'm pretty sure I shouldn't be eating it.


My first C.O. once told me that if there's a conversation you've been avoiding, then that's the one you need to have.


Frank: My only agenda is to make sure a good cop doesn't get bounced off the force.
Joe: You know, I never know where I stand with you. Half the time I feel like I'm competing with a ghost.

The sage of Bay Ridge has spoken.


We can't keep being each other's consolation prize, Jamie.


Garrett: You'll play nice?
Frank: Right up until nice doesn't work.

So you became a cop to be the most sought after guest at dinner parties.


Eddie: Do you ever think about what we might be missing out on?
Jamie: Yup. Do you ever think what we might be giving up?
Eddie: Yup.

Danny: Well, the good news is none of us is ever going to end up alone.
Erin: Not while another one of us is still standing.

Riding a desk is no where on my bucket list.
