I know you don't like the man or care about what happens to him.


Ok, is there anyone here who didn't kill him?


I'll be damned if I'm going to let her sit in the Captain's office sipping hot cocoa while she's being charged with a felony for protecting her friends.


If somebody's headed to the bottom they're going to get there no matter how many times you put out a net.


You know how you always talk about the greater good. There's not a place out there where you can do greater good than you can from in here.


Adrian: I was jogging.
Erin: Jogging? In jeans, a hoodie, and work boots.

Mayor Poole: Sorry to keep you waiting, Frank.
Frank: It's what we do, you and I.

Garrett: You'll play nice?
Frank: Right up until nice doesn't work.

It's hard to do the right thing when you don't know what the right thing to do is.


I can tell you what the Irish in me truly dreads, ultimatums delivered in British accents.


Anthony: I'd arrest my own mother if I thought she was scamming cops.
Erin: Your own mother?
Anthony: But with lots of backup.

If Mom were still alive she'd tell you that was beyond your skill set.
