But I'll see you again, Mr. Wallace, at the execution chamber at Terre Haute, I'll wave to you through the observation glass.


He just didn't make good collars, he tied them up in neat little bows. It's time you learned to gift wrap.


Assistant District Attorney Erin Reagan. You know why she's here? To keep me from snapping your neck.


Doing the right thing is rarely easy.


Frank: What are you trying to do, join the family business?
Linda: Well, as another Reagan once said, Honey I forgot to duck.

If you start breaking the law to enforce it you cross the street to their side.


But you told us that you busted that guy then Aunt Erin let him go.


There comes a time to rule by fear and not by the book.


With all due respect I can't work a homicide in tap shoes.


Trying to get to the truth of situations like that is like trying to deconstruct a milk shake.


The kid couldn't kill an ant.


It's time when there's an issue that needs airing, it's never time for me to flap my gums and act all commissionery.


Blue Bloods Season 5 Quotes

Frank: You have no idea what goes into those press conferences.
Sgt. Gormley: Well, I know what doesn't. The truth.

What was missing was you putting it in perspective for the media vultures out there looking for any opportunity to tear down cops.

Sgt. Gormley