Sweets: Thank you, Dr. Montenegro. Where'd you get that degree in psychology again?
Angela: The same place you got that degree in sarcasm.

Angela: You, a trained anthropologist, immersed yourself in a specific culture and you learned nothing?
Brennan: I did realize that compared to others Booth and I have a very good relationship.
Angela: So you learned nothing?

Booth: Look, Sweets, I know you feel responsible for those two guys Pelant killed--
Sweets: Wow. Who's the shrink now?

Wendell: You're right.
Brennan: Why is that surprising?

Carolyn: Sweets grew himself some cojones.
Booth: Yes he did.

Well, I'm not about to argue with a woman who can solve a murder using only a tooth and a magnifying glass.


Sweets: I feel like we missed a whole bunch.
Caroline: Who cares? We were here for the big happy ending.

Brennan: I do dislike it when other people tell me what to do.
Booth: See, now there's the Bones that I love!

[to Hodgins] Honey, when you're talking to me about puke, don't smile like that.


Cam: Must you interrupt?
Oliver: I'm just trying to use our time more efficiently.
Cam: Well, it doesn't make you any more likeable.

Sweets: Dr. Brennan would rather work with a computer than me.
Brennan: But as a lunch companion, I certainly prefer you.

[to Brennan] You might not admit it, but you're a dreamer. And this is...this is your bucket list.


Bones Quotes

You're looking at her fruits?

Booth[to Sweets]

Brennan: What have you done?
Hodgins: Baking soda. It's not just for cooking any more.

Bones Music

  Song Artist
Fearless Cyndi Lauper iTunes
The World Is... Matthew Ryan iTunes
Song Rain Or Shine Matthew Perryman Jones