Brennan: Zack didn't do it. Despite the one on his forehead, he has no scars on his body.
Karen: Yeah, I'm not even going to ask how you know that.

It is odd, but being perceived as a murderous cannibal has its advantages.


Innocent people don't escape from sanitariums to proclaim their innocence.


If I had been in that basement, this needle here wouldn't be in evidence. Nope, I would have shoved it down his throat and made sure it punctured every one of his organs on the way down.


I would prefer to only speak with Dr. Brennan. Communicating with someone of lesser intellect is difficult for me.


Booth: New rule, serial killers don't get cool or frightening nicknames.
Cam: No matter how terrifying they are.

Okay, I'm nodding here and just pretending like I have some idea what you're talking about.


This is creepy to the power of ten.


I would have thought that someone who's convinced that alien beings built Stonehenge would be a little more open to the paranormal.


Let's risk the lives of both of our children's parents so you can feel manly and virile and young.


Angela: By old physical therapist you mean the hot 26-year-old?
Hodgins: Wait, was she hot? I didn't notice.
Angela: That's why you were always showing her how strong your core was getting?

You know what the nuns in Catholic school say causes blindness.


Bones Quotes

You're looking at her fruits?

Booth[to Sweets]

Brennan: What have you done?
Hodgins: Baking soda. It's not just for cooking any more.

Bones Music

  Song Artist
Fearless Cyndi Lauper iTunes
The World Is... Matthew Ryan iTunes
Song Rain Or Shine Matthew Perryman Jones