Boo! That man is not The Iron Leprechaun! Boooo! Fake! Fake!... Fraud! Look at his femur!


Angela: Was Booth upset?
Brennan: Yes, I don't know why.
Angela: Brennan, this could screw up the natural order of things. And Booth wishes that you were going out with him.
Brennan: I drink with him all the time. But with Andrew, there's the potential for sex.
Angela: And not with Booth?

I have a 16-year-old and believe me, when it comes to dating advice I am batting a red hot zero.


Bones: Director Hacker wants to have sex with me.
Booth: Whoa. He said that?
Bones: Well he said dinner but the implication was clear.

Sweets: Karloff was a genius. You could feel the mummy's pain, you know?
Angela: He was dead Sweets. He felt no pain.
Sweets: Emotional pain. That never dies.
Angela: Cheery thought. Thank you.

You know our very work shows us that, that those people, that call the world an abattoir -- a slaughterhouse -- they have a point. Now you handle that knowledge by imposing this, gossamer web of rationality ... over the ugliness. Angela has a very different way of handling. Sometimes you don't save the world, Dr. Brennan. (pauses) Sometimes you just make your friend happy.


Booth: Bones, there's a whole gender/parent bond thing going on here. He's just going to get confused.
Parker: So I can have a pool!
Brennan: He doesn't sound confused.

Parker: Can't you be his girlfriend?
Brennan: That would be inappropriate.
Parker: Why?
Brennan: Because we work together.
Parker: That's a stupid reason.

Booth: Come to dinner with us, have fun, laugh at my jokes.
Brennan: That might actually turn out to be fun, thus becoming a self fulfilling desire.
Booth: Right! So, you'll do it?
Brennan: Yes! I will be your hamlet of 800 people or less.

Booth: It takes a village, Bones.
Brennan: I beg your pardon?
Booth: A village to raise a kid properly! It takes a village!
Brennan: Metaphorically. It doesn't mean we must all grow up in hamlets of 800 people or less.

Paula Lindbergh: I was afraid this would come up when I heard you took Trey in for questioning.
Booth: You're right, so start talking.
Paula: I should never have made Elliot move to the suburbs. In a way, I emasculated him.
Brennan: Oh, God. She's a therapist. She talks like a therapist.

Sweets: [watches Cam walk into his office without knocking] No, no, no. You can't just walk in here!
Cam: Arastoo Vasiri, our Muslim intern, he's been faking his accent. At first I go where everyone else goes, you know? [singsong voice] Terrorist!
Sweets: Wouldn't a terrorist fake not having an accent?
Cam: Is it crazy or just weird? Weird I can deal with, but crazy? [shakes head and begins to leave the office]
Sweets: Wait. What do you want me to do?
Cam: Crazy's your department.

Bones Quotes

You're looking at her fruits?

Booth[to Sweets]

Brennan: What have you done?
Hodgins: Baking soda. It's not just for cooking any more.

Bones Music

  Song Artist
Fearless Cyndi Lauper iTunes
The World Is... Matthew Ryan iTunes
Song Rain Or Shine Matthew Perryman Jones