Oh, by the way, I think I figured out why Sylvia Plath killed herself. She was trying to hang a curtain rod. She was probably trying to hang herself on the curtain rod, so it was onto Plan B.


Fanny: They just lopped my head off.
Truly: Game of Thrones.
Fanny: With no warning.
Truly: Ned Starked her.
Michelle: I'm rereading. I see nothing about a a head, a guillotine, an evil boy king with mommy issues. I'm behind here!

Wow. There's still fax machines?


Why would anyone need one cheap party store tiara let alone three?


But corn is a whole grain! The southern lady on The Food Channel with the diabetes said so.


I honestly didn't think there was a scenario after the 1800s where people crapped in ground behind their house and then just left it there. But apparently there is, and suddenly I'm thinkin' about it, I'm talkin' about it; I'm septic tank girl!


Michelle: You have a very large door.
Grant: That's what all the ladies say.

I know you're supposed to have a mean girlfriend in high school, I've seen all the movies, but this is getting exhausting.


If Charlie wants to notice me, he can notice me back here. In the back.


She gave you a magnet? It's sold, let's get boxes.


Michelle: I have a lake?
Claire: You have one lake and two swampy ponds. Plus geese, which means goose poop.

Michelle: You're so exhausting!
Fanny: We old people usually are.

Bunheads Quotes

You pay per boob? If anything in the world should be sold as a pair it should be boobs!


Sure, we dance our asses off for two hours, they walk out for five minutes, flash their boobs and bring the house down.
