Fiona: There has to be a line
Michael: There is no line when it comes to you!

Sam called you; I knew I shouldn't have left him with his phone.


If you don't do this Fiona goes to jail for-ever and rots in a cage.


Reed: I'll buy the drinks
Jesse: Then you can definitely sit your ass down!

Sam: Fine we will sneak in there for a chat, but no explosives.
Fiona: I do have other skills; we're going to need a truck.

If Anson doesn't back off then I'm ending this one way or another.


Michael: You lied to me
Anson: I told you what you needed to hear.
Michael: One way or another, this is over, I'll see you in hell.

Spent most my life as a coward, but I'm gonna die a man.


Vaughn: He's not retiring, he's rebuilding, that organization that burned you, he's bringing that back online.
Michael: No.
Vaughn: You can try to stop it, but if I know Anson it's too late.

Michael: We're not letting you commit suicide to send someone to prison.
Ian: Who says you get to make that call. Do the people he killed have a say?

Jesse: You know that Porche was a lease right?
Sam: Well, you still got the money you can buy another one.. come on I'll give you a ride home.

Sam: Hey Fi.
Fiona: Yeah
Sam: We should go
Fiona: Ok,
Sam: Like NOW

Burn Notice Season 5 Quotes

Michael: Don't you think we would be more comfortable on the bed?
Fiona: What makes you think I care if youíre comfortable?

Raines: I know Michael, you want answers
Michael: No, Raines, I need answers.