Chuck: Hey, can we... can we get a little closer on this picture of Cole, maybe push in on his... groinal area?
Casey: What, you seeing something you like down there, Bartowski?

Sarah: You want to break up again? I caught some chatter through bites of cereal on the surveillance tap. Sorry. It's an occupational hazard.
Chuck: Um...of course. Look, Sarah. It's not you, it's me.
Casey: Probably not the best idea to give the "it's not you, it's me" speech to a trained assassin wielding a knife.

Chuck: Something wrong with you and Anna?
Morgan: She's out of town, we're actually really good. No, it's my mom and Big Mike, they're like teenagers. They just keep going at it and keep going at it. The man moans like a wounded sea lion.

Sarah: We have to go into 24 hour protective detail until further notice.
Chuck: What exactly does that mean?
Sarah: It means we can't break up and we have to move in together.

Chuck Season 2 Episode 15 Quotes

Morgan: It's just a shame that Chuck couldn't be here. Although, I'm pretty sure he's probably enjoying his own delicious little meal right about now. And of course I mean Sarah Walker.
Devon: Yeah, if he hasn't broken up with her yet.
Morgan: Uh, why on God's green earth would he ever, ever break up with Sarah?
Devon: Ask Ellie. It was her idea.
Morgan: Really?
Ellie: What? He said that he didn't think she was the one.
Morgan: There are a few precious things I know anything about in this world. Chuck's one of them. Believe me, Sarah's the one.
Ellie: How do you know?
Morgan: How do I know? It's-It's all over the kid's face. When Chuck is around Sarah, he is the Chuck that we always dreamed of. The-The Chuck that has the potential to do anything in the world.

Sarah: We have to go into 24 hour protective detail until further notice.
Chuck: What exactly does that mean?
Sarah: It means we can't break up and we have to move in together.