(Chuck watches surveillance of Sarah, Casey and General Beckman)
Chuck: Wow. Beckman is tiny.
Sarah: General, what if Orion can help Chuck remove the Intersect? Erase it from his mind?
Chuck: Yeah, yeah. Good question, Sarah.
Beckman: That's exactly what I don't want. Chuck Bartowski is absolutely vital to national security. He can never meet Orion.

Chuck: General, you don't want the Intersect out of my head, do you?
Beckman: No, I don't.
Sarah: Ma'am, Chuck has done everything that we've asked of him.
Beckman: Agent Walker, you want to protect him, but play time is over. Chuck, I hesitate to say this...
Chuck: Please. Please, hesitate.
Beckman: We are in the midst of a secret war with Fulcrum, and I believe the outcome of this fight will rest squarely on your shoulders.
Casey: Oy.
Chuck: No, listen to the man. He's right. I'm no spy.
Beckman: Do you know how many agents I've lost to Fulcrum? How powerful they are? Only this operation, only you have found a hole in their armor. See, I can't lose you, Chuck. I need you. It's time for you to become a spy.

Barclay: Hey! We know what you did.
Big Mike: Well, do you now?
Barclay: You went too far, Michael. I'm calling the cops.
Big Mike: No you won't, it ain't the Buy More way.
Barclay: What!?
Big Mike: You know the rules; they cut their prices by ten percent, we cuts ours 15. They give away toasters, we give away microwaves. They put their hands on one of ours, we find their Assistant Manager. (Emmett holds him back) You get the picture, don't you?

(Morgan's phone rings)
Morgan: One sec you guys, It's Chuck again.
Lester: No, don't answer it, he's after my computer.
Morgan: I know, but he's called twice. He never does that, it could be an emergency. Why he'd call me I have no idea.
Lester: No, Morgan, no.

Chuck Season 2 Episode 17 Quotes

(Chuck watches surveillance of Sarah, Casey and General Beckman)
Chuck: Wow. Beckman is tiny.
Sarah: General, what if Orion can help Chuck remove the Intersect? Erase it from his mind?
Chuck: Yeah, yeah. Good question, Sarah.
Beckman: That's exactly what I don't want. Chuck Bartowski is absolutely vital to national security. He can never meet Orion.

This disc will self-destruct in five seconds. I've always wanted to say that.
