Jeff: (snatching up the customer comment card and shouting) Four stars! I just kissed your ass for four lousy stars! What do you people want from me? Just spit in my face next time.
Morgan: Hey Jeff. How's it going man? You alright?
Jeff: I think I'm getting the hang of this customer service thing.

Bennett: This is a special lesson. How to kill a man with honor. It will happen very quickly.
Chuck: Eye of the Tiger, buddy.
Casey: Shut up, Chuck.

Emmett: The employee with the highest level of customer service is...Skip Johnson. (Laughs)
Skip: This is not my fault, I tried to be a jerk.

Yeah, well the thing is, Casey doesn't really have a calm center. It's more of an angry center.

Sarah: Chuck, does the Global Launch Agency mean anything to you?
Chuck: GLA? Sure, they've sent probes to every planet except Pluto. Although Pluto's not officially a planet anymore, which really bums me out.
Casey: It's true. Space camp is where all the cool kids go.

(to Jill) Look, you're taking the Matrix, OK. All wheel drive, touch screen navi, iPod capability and a full tank of gas. It's the perfect get away car.

Chuck: You should know I wanted to help you. I was going to let you get away.
Jill: Chuck, no.
Chuck: But when you were about to kill Sarah, you made the decision for me. You're under arrest, Jill, and I'm breaking up with you.

(To Chuck) You idiot! You sad-sack bleeding heart idiot!


Chuck: You know, for a few days, I thought things were going to be different. I could have a life. I could have a girlfriend. I could be a regular human being. I thought Jill was...
Sarah: Different?
Chuck: No. Normal.

Excuse me, I'm sorry, General, but who in my life isn't a spy?

Big Mike: Did I just hear you don't have Thanksgiving plans? That's terrible, damn terrible. I'm amazed to find so many staff members without proper plans for Thanksgiving. Like those two poor creatures. (Points to Jeff and Lester)
Morgan: Sir, are you inviting us to dinner?
Big Mike: No...God, no.

What was that for? The kissy noise. Have some self-respect, Bartowski. You're a man.


Chuck Season 2 Quotes

Alex [dressed as stripper]: I understand one of you has been a naughty, naughty boy.
Lester: Me, oh my God, pick me, I'm so bad, I've been bad, I've been bad, I'm a bad person, I'm a terrible person.
Jeff: I broke eight and a half commandments on the way to work this morning

General Beckman: I wanted to have a private word with you... pardon the intrusion
Chuck: On this moment or my life in general?