Women do love when men fight for them. There is nothing less sexy than a man that respects a restraining order.


Bobby: You need to get place with there's no sexual desire left whatsoever.
Andy: I can probably do that, if I spend a little a private time with you know myself.
Bobby: There's nothing wrong with making shower babies. It's not a sin if you're doing it for love.

Jules: Grayson is totally pursey whipped. That is really gonna catch on. pursey magnet, pursey hound.
Laurie: Pursey cat.
Ellie: That's not how it works.

Don't worry about tonight, it's totally casual. But don't wear jeans. We're not animals.


Ooh I look hot when I'm depressed. That's why I always get hit when I'm at funerals. Aww, why can't someone die?


Jules: I can't believe your school makes you do photography projects. It's like they cater to the weird, artsy fartsy kids.
Travis: I started the photography club.
Jules: Cool.
Travis: Nice save.

Jules: I cannot wait for this bathroom to be done. In fact, put it in your calenders because I'm going to have a bathroom warming party.
Grayson: Can I bring Sarah to what sounds like the worst party ever?

Cougar Town Season 1 Episode 19 Quotes

Jules: I can't believe your school makes you do photography projects. It's like they cater to the weird, artsy fartsy kids.
Travis: I started the photography club.
Jules: Cool.
Travis: Nice save.

Jules: I cannot wait for this bathroom to be done. In fact, put it in your calenders because I'm going to have a bathroom warming party.
Grayson: Can I bring Sarah to what sounds like the worst party ever?