Jules: It's smooth like a river rock.
Andy: It tickles.

(to Grayson) I'm going to be happy with whatever you get me. As long as it's perfect and it shows how much you get me.


Please, you don't know what it's like to be married to a super sensitive guy. I call them senszies.


Jules: Grayson, do you ever think of your ex wife when you are having sex with me?
Grayson: Thanks Ellie.

Ellie: So Jules, what are we doing?
Jules: Besides cake and wine, I got nothing.

(Laurie) Stop scaring me, I'm not built for this.


Jules: Hi Barb, what are you a shredded wheat?
Barb: Hah. No. I'm a haystack. Hey fellas, who wants to roll around in the hay!?

(to creepy Panda guy) You get some Ling Ling!


(to Ellie) Great, you made him blow away sad.


(pretending to be Ellie) Jules, I can say you look beautiful, because you're the only one I'm nice to.


Oh my God, I was mean to my daddy.


That's a fun way to say good-bye, Peace!


Cougar Town Season 2 Quotes

Plus, I get to lean on my Gracieship.


Travis: I don't get it how is that a drinking game?
Jules: We drink while we do it.