EJ: The moment I learned Rolf had you on ice, I should have told him to rip Jake's heart out of your chest.
Stefan: See, EJ, that's why I'm such a better chess player than you are. While you're sitting here second-guessing yourself, I'm always five moves ahead.
EJ: This match is far from over.
Stefan: Hmm. The only thing sadder than a mediocre chess player is one who doesn't realize he's been bested.
Gabi: Enjoy your extended honeymoon.
EJ: And you two enjoy your little victory. because I promise you it won't last. Not only will I be back on top at Dimera, but I will make sure you pay dearly for what you have done.

Andre: Looking for someone?
Kate: I had hoped Lucas would be here.
Andre: Of course he'll be here. His granddaughter is walking down the aisle. He wouldn't want to miss that.
Kate: If he's drunk enough, he won't care.
Andre: I'm sorry he had his relapse. I know how painful that is for you.
Kate: I feel sorry for Lucas. His heart is broken. I feel like Will is the only one who can help him right now.

Chad: Stephanie and I talked about it. We're on the same page.
Steve: Well, I think you'd better turn to a new page.

Rafe: I'm sorry that you overheard me and Sami talking.
Ciara: You mean you're sorry that I found out that you cheated on my mother.

Vivian: I knocked, but I gues your staff has the day off.
Maggie: What do you want, Vivian?
Vivian: I brought you your figurines. I was going to throw them out, but then I t thought you might want to donate them to charity. You will need the tax deduction, after all.
Julie: You know, the other day I stood there and watched you throw Maggie out of her home. Now it's my turn to tell you to get the hell out of mine!

Kate: Some trick-or-treaters at the Pub told me they saw someone who looked like Nick.
Julie: It's obvious what happened. Someone is dressed up as him.
Kate: That would require the stores to sell Nick Fallon costumes. Just what every child wants, to be a psycho killer for Halloween.

Brady: Sounds like someone's avoiding you.
Sonny: Will just has a lot to deal with right now.
Brady: Or maybe he's just not that into you.

Jack: What the hell did you do to Jennifer?
Rolf: I didn't hurt her! Why would I? I wouldn't bite the hand that feeds me.
JJ: Especially with your appetite.

Maggie: Is this retaliation because I fired you?
Alex: No, this isn't retaliation. I'm doing this because I'm Victor's son, and I think it's clear that he wanted me to be CEO of his company.

Everett: You didn't tell your boyfriend ab out running into me?
Stephanie: It's not like I kept it from him. I had an early meeting this morning and last night when he got home --
Everett: Look, I know you two are having problems. I saw you arguing at the Pub, remember?
Stephanie: That was no big deal.
Everett: You ran out in tears.
Stephanie: You really shouldn't spy on people, Everett. It's creepy and weird.

Marlena: Li, I realize that your feelings for Gabi are heightened. That's one of the things we need to work on.
Li: And I can hear the concern in your voice, but I can assure you that I was speaking figuratively when I said Gabi is dead to me. What I meant was, I am eager to put this toxic relationship with my ex-wife behind me.

Sloan: Our first time making love as husband and wife.
Eric: Did it feel different?
Sloan: Oh, I felt... I felt more connected to you.
Eric: I felt it too.
Sloan: Are you sure?