Trask: It's just a matter of time, Chanel. Trust me. It'll be better for all of us, even you, if you just confess.
[Belle comes in.]
Belle: What the hell is going on here? You know damn well you can't question my client without me present.

A 30 year feud. Sounds like the Greek plays that he's always talking about, that always end with the stage strewn in bodies.


Lani: Not that this is any of your business, but I am marrying JJ because I love him.
Valerie: You love him so much that you'll pass off another man's baby as his?
Lani: You mean like you did?

Joey: You almost killed Kristen?
Steve: Don't worry, son. It was just an act.
Joey: What do you mean?
Steve: Well, right before I put my hands around her throat, I made a whole lot of noise, hoping that someone would come in and break it up before things went too far. Lo and behold, Johnny Dimera walks in. When he was taking care of Kristen, I planted a bug.

Philip: I am not your son!
Vivian: I carried you in my womb for nine months.
Philip: So what, you think I owe you?

Jake: This is none of your business!
Kristen [disguised as Kate]: Is that any way to talk to the father of my child?
Roman: Children!
Kristen: I didn't mean it literally!

Rafe: The two of you were sitting here looking into each other’s eyes! What am I supposed to think?
Hope: You’re supposed to trust your wife!

Sarah: I knew I couldn't let my child grow up around your toxic influence, so I did what I thought I had to do to keep her safe.
Xander: Right. So once again, Sarah Horton played God. But not just with my life. With my daughter's. Because Sarah Horton never makes a mistake. She never makes a wrong choice or a regrettable call of any kind. Sarah Horton knows what's best for everyone. God, it must be so nice to be so damn perfect.

Stefan: How'd you get out of prison?
Vivian: I found a pickaxe on the floor and chiseled my way to freedom. Come on, hasn't anyone ever heard of good behavior?

Jack: Is there any news about JJ?
Jennifer: Like you care.
Jack: I do. I may not remember it, but he is my son.
Jennifer: If you cared, you would have left Haley alone.
Jack: I was trying to protect him! She was using him and she's doing it again.
Jennifer: JJ went on the run with Haley because of you. You sold your soul to score political points.

Xander: Ava Vitali killed Susan, not me.
Sarah: SHe neer would have gotten her hands on Susan if you hadn't kidnapped her.
Xander: That's your interpretation. That's not the facts.
Sarah: You want the facts? The fact is that in spite of all the pain and suffering that you caused me and pretty much everyone around me, I continued to believe your bull about how you had changed.

Sloan: I just want to know how we're proceeding with that settlement offer.
Paulina: Settlement offer. Right. Apparently this is what we're calling blackmail these days.
Chanel: This is what you do for a living? You represent clients who want to make bank by extorting people and they're too afraid to show their faces? You really are scum.