Gabi: Rolf said something about going on a submarine.
Kate: Was it yellow? Was Ringo Starr waiting to board?

Kristen: Mind telling me why you are robbing my ancestral home?
Leo: I wasn't robbing anything. Silly me, I thought this was a corkscrew.
Kristen: If you want a corkscrew, there's one in the kitchen in the drawer under the espresso maker.
Leo: Oh, right. Thanks. [Leo starts to walk off.]
Kristen: I was being sarcastic. And now I'm calling the police.

You were the best friend a man could ever have. You've been a big part of my life for such a long time. Just knowing you were always there to comfort me... you always knew just what to say to help me get out of my own head. I wonder if you knew how much you meant to me and how much I treasured your friendship. Damn it, John and I gave it everything we had. We beat the bushes, we searched high and low, including these docks. So why in hell is it we couldn't find you before [it was too late]?

Roman [to Abe's shrine]

You haven't seen the last of Leo Stark, aka Matty Cooper. Don't call me that. Only Gwennie's allowed to.


Colin: I can't say I'm sad to hear about Abe Carver's death.
Sloan: Colin! A man died!
Colin: It's a tragedy... I guess. I mean, I had nothing against the man, but he brought it on himself, marrying into that family. Even when he heard what Paulina and Chanel had done, he took their side.

Chloe: So on a scale from 1 to 10, how worried do I have to be about you b eing so protective of Gwen??
Xander: You don't.
Chloe: So a 1 then?
Xander: A zero. I'm completely over her. Though, in the spirit of being completely honest, I still think of Sarah as the one who got away and I probably always will.

Leo: That's your marriage proposal? I have a rule that any man who doesn't get down on bended knee, he is not a man worth marrying.
Dimitri: You know what, Stark? You are absolutely right. Forgive me, Gwen. Let me do this the proper way.
[Dimitri gets down one on knee and opens a ring box.]
Gwen: Oh wow. That is a large diamond. That is a very large diamond.
Dimitri: Allow me a second chance. Gwen Rizchek, will you do me the great honor of becoming my wife?
Leo: The answer is a hard no!
Gwen: For God's sake, Matty!
Leo: Okay, that thing is huge. The ring, I mean. But I'm sorry, friendo, you've wasted the money you've worked so hard to inherit, because there is no way Gwen is accepting your proposal.
Gwen: Damn it, Matty!
Leo: How do you say hell no in Alamanian?
Dimitri: You do realize I'm proposing to Gwen and not you?

Nicole: I don't believe I deserve to be comforted.
Eric: You know, I've had my struggles with my faith, but that's not one of them. I don't believe that God punishes people this way, by doing things to make them scared.

Megan: I know we have our differences, but we will overcome them. That's what families do.
Chad [to Stephanie]: Normal families like yours do. She hired Thomas B banks to assassinate us. That's hard to get past.

Kate: You look a little rough. Big night on the town?
Jada: Yeah, on the town in the police station.

Eli: I'm happy for you. .Jada seems like a good girl. What, don't tell me you're gonna deny there's something there?
Rafe: Jada and I have spent a lot of time together working cases, especially this case, and it's gotten a little intense.
Eli: You and I worked a lot of big cases together, and it was intense, but you never held my hand. When I walked in, y'all were holding hands.

I was just telling Eric and Sloan that life is too short. If you want to be with Rafe, go for it. Don't worry about the regulations. So you won't do PDA in the office, but what you do in the privacy of your own home is not the city council's business.
