But a lot when on that night Ms. Elliott. I mean your first girl on girl kiss can be confusing. Lots of fuzzy feelings...

Franklin: Yeah, we didn't talk the entire summer Peter was at jazz camp.
Bash: Rock camp.
Franklin: With clarinets?

By the time we're done every milfy housewife and cougar's going to be lining up around the block to take lessons from you again.

Bash: That's ridiculous, your Honor. They have no prior records.
Franklin: And their six inch stilettos make flight risk nearly impossible.

Well girls, our job is no different than yours. We're here to get you off.

Franklin: I don't like children.
Bash: They like you.
Franklin: They do but that's just because...
Bash: ...you're the same size.
Franklin: Shut up.

Who would make art out of toe nail clippings?


You know I liked you a lot better when you were dying.

Bash: We know how men manipulate women. The aw shucks, I'm just shy and quirky. Lets take it slow. The next thing you know it's 2am and your naked in a bouncy house.
Franklin: It's been known to happen.

So we use Pindar to sign her then we hip check bubble boy into the boards.


Hanna: You delivered Carter Lang to Franklin and Bash?
Karp: Oh, come on. He wasn't wearing a sign that said litigious scumbag millionaire.

I have the prostate of a 19 year old but I have the pancreas of a zombie.


Franklin & Bash Quotes

See that's a talent, sounding like a total asshole even when you're supposedly saying something sincere.


"Sorry, sorry. Jean Claude Van Damme marathon last night. Unavoidable.
