Walter: Oh! Get a knife. My lemon cake's ready.
Astrid: Walter, if you were hungry, I could have gotten you something.
Walter: This is not about food, Alex, this is about Belly! Where's the knife. Please, quickly!

William Bell: In this game of skill one must have above all else, Patience. The board changes, but very slowly. The art of chess, the art is knowing when a piece is most valuable and then, in that very moment, being willing to sacrifice it. For in the vacuum created by the loss of what is most precious, opportunity abounds, influences maximize, and desire becomes destiny. For example, on this board, the most valuable piece is the bishop. Therefore, for the game to be won...
David Robert Jones: The bishop must be sacrificed. I'll attend to it.

He's alive! I'm telling you, he's alive! I know that Jones' plan was too ingenious, too remarkable, that it had to come from Belly!


So at least we know Jones is in our universe.


Walter: May I take a blood sample? The discomfort will only be momentary.
Jessica: That's what all you men say.
Walter: You're very brave.

Jessica: What are you?
Walter: I'm human, what are you? Is this some sort of alien invasion? Are you part of a strike?

Peter: Three bedrooms and a dog run...
Olivia: Nursery?
Peter: Nursery?

I think I shall miss them, more than I imagined.


Remember you said home is where the heart is? This may sound crazy, but I think I found mine.


Washington has made their decision. They will support whatever we decide in this room.


I've come to the opinion that home is where the heart is.


It's weird to think of never seeing them again. Knowing that they're right there. So close. It's not the kind of thing you forget.


Fringe Season 4 Quotes

You know they did a study on sarcastic people, and they get more illnesses than other people. Something to do with negative energy.

Robert Danzig

Fauxlivia: You know, being you and living your life, only me more homesick for my universe.It must be hard to develop trust in people when all you've got is yourself. It must be terribly lonely.
Olivia: Just because you have walked in my shoes, don't you think for a moment that you know me.
Fauxlivia: Yeah, keep telling yourself that.