Dan: You do know that 'powerful woman' is not actually a career, right?
Blair: And neither is 'Serena van der Woodsen,' but ten bucks says that you'll miss your interview waiting for her, yet again.

Blair: I tried to be Indra Nooyi, and while I admit that choice might have been a bit random, the other choice was to be my mother and I didn't want that.
Dan: Why not? You care about fashion the way that most people care about, well, anything. You used to send girls home from Constance crying for wearing tights as pants.

Nate: Hey man, how was New Zealand?
Chuck: I have to say, it was an extraordinary bust.

Here's my advice. Have a little faith, and if that doesn't work, have a lot of mimosas.


I know you disapprove of me, but can't you at least do so in a tuxedo?


We may surprise ourselves as we face our future. Or be surprised when we're cleaning up the past.

Gossip Girl

Blair: Heading home to Brooklyn?
Dan: No, actually. I was gonna catch Monsieur Hulot's Holiday at the Walter Reed. Try to cheer myself up.
Blair: Oh. Well I do enjoy myself some Tati. Although I suppose if you're trying to improve your mood that my coming with you would defeat that purpose.
Dan: It is pretty funny. Even you couldn't kill that much comedy.
Blair: Well I still require you to sit two seats away.
Dan: Works for me. It keeps your paws off my popcorn.

Serena: I don't mean to take you for granted. It's just, if we're being completely honest...
Dan: We are.
Serena: I think that maybe sometimes I test you. You know, I keep thinking that if things get too hard you'll give up on me. But you never do.
Dan: And I never will. If you really need me, ever, I am there.

Serena: I would say I'm sorry about today, but in my head that just sounds inadequate.
Dan: Ah, you don't need to apologize. It's not your fault that I seem to drop everything just to make myself available to you.

Eleanor: Well if only there was a person who did that for a living. Someone to aspire to. There is.
Blair: Editrix of a high fashion magazine.

Blair: Mother, you are brilliant. And resilient. And... a businesswoman, and an artist. I'd be crazy not to want to be like you.
Eleanor: Really? But you are not a designer. You are a, um...
Blair: A dictator of taste.
Eleanor: Exactly! I love that. Who said that?
Blair: A friend of mine.

Blair: I had a horrible fight with my mother. I tried to be Indra Nooyi. And while I admit that choice might have been a bit random, the other choice was to be my mother. And I didn't want that.
Dan: Why not? You care about fashion more than most people care about, ah, well, anything. you used to send girls home crying from Constance for wearing tights as pants.
Blair: Well, somebody had to. It was for the greater good. Just like my suggestion that you take off that tie and shove it in your pocket right now.
Dan: You're an evil dictator of taste, Blair. Why deny that just because it's what your mother does? And by the way, this tie was my grandfather's.
Blair: If only he'd been buried in it.

Gossip Girl Season 4 Episode 12 Quotes

Serena: Just take me away from my problems, please. Tell me, what did you do over the break?
Blair: Why? What did you hear?

Serena: I had to pull an Erin Brockovich and go down to the Litchfield County clerk's office to try to get a copy of the case. And how's this for irony ...
Blair: Court records are public so you wore a push-up bra for no reason?
Serena: The case filed is sealed because it involved a minor.