Diana: This is exactly why we need to work together on your blog. So Gossip Girl loses her power.
Serena: Or I just develop a thicker skin.

It's been the performance of a lifetime for Cousin Charlie. But tonight it looks like it might just be the final curtain.

Blair: Do you remember when we used to play dress-up?
Chuck: How could I forget. Though I didn't think this was your kind of entertainment anymore.

Why don't you go find the witches. They're awesome. And I think I see Lady Macbeth.


You really think pillows under covers trick me? You lumpier now!


Seems the play's the thing tonight. But watch out, players. You might be the ones getting played.

B. Whatever you're thinking, stop. Just work on your relationship with Louis. And let Chuck work on himself.


Serena: Why are you looking for Chuck?
Blair: I have no choice! He's trying to destroy my relationship with Louis because he knows it's vulnerable.
Serena: I'm pretty sure the only war Chuck is waging is with his own demons.

Chuck: Maybe we're maturing too fast.
Nate: Which is why you're back to playing Phantom of the Opera sex games?

Diana: Are you purposefully trying to make a fool of me?
Charlie: I told you, it was an emergency.
Diana: To hide from Max, your mysteriously reappeared ex. And do you think it seems a tad convenient that the only way to do that was to snog Nate?
Charlie: Look I don't know why Max is here. But if he finds me I could lose everything.

Uh oh, Charlie. Looks like you've stayed in character all too well. Too bad there's always an understudy waiting in the wings for you to slip and fall.

So when girls like you say lunch they really mean clothes?


Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.