Blair: Dorota, are you insane?
Dorota: I don't know.
Blair: You used the everyday china. Cyrus will think we're just common upper-middle class. Get the Auberge and hurry up!

I am Grace Kelly, Grace Kelly is me.


Well, I'm seeing lots of people. I don't know how it works in high school, but I like to date more than one person at a time.


Serena: We broke up, remember?
Aaron: How did we break up if we're not going out?

Beggars can't be choosers.


I don't want the same life that my parents had. Social obligations, saying no to all the things I want to say yes to ... I thought you felt the same way. If I was wrong, I apologize.


Poor little orphan Jenny, looks like she needs a Daddy Warbucks, but Daddy Warbucks don't grow on trees. At least on a tree that grows in Brooklyn.

It will ruin our family. Don't do it. Please.


Aaron: Do you want to get dressed?
Serena: Nope.

Blair: Screw Grace Kelly. I need a scheme.
Dorota: Oh no...
Blair: That tiny man must have a secret I can exploit.

Dorota: You glow, Mrs. Waldorf. Like Chinese lantern.
Eleanor: It's love, Dorota.

Blair: How can you possibly love Cyrus? He's all the things you hate! He uses the wrong fork, he slurps his soup, he wears sport socks! He is short, and pushy! He's nothing like daddy.
Eleanor: Which is precisely why I like him. Harold was lovely in a million ways, but he had his secrets. Cyrus is someone I can trust... Before I go see Cyndi Lauper I have to get my hair done, pick up my dress at Barney's. Would you like to come with?
Blair: No! Thanks. But have fun.

Gossip Girl Season 2 Quotes

Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.

Cheers to that, Blair. Nothing says welcome home like a bottle of bubbly... or a scandal bubbling.

Gossip Girl