Jenny: Agnes, I'm gonna kill you.
Agnes: No, dude, I know, trust me, I'm sorry, I just got all of your messages. Look, here, take the dress and ... I don't think you should give this to Eleanor, by the way. I mean, my friends, they FREAKED over it last night.
Jenny: Great! I don't care.

Eleanor: You are lucky that I don't fire you this minute.
Jenny: You are lucky that I don't just quit!

Agnes: You should do your own clothing line.
Jenny: You really think so?

Agnes: I love your dress.
Jenny: I made it, actually.

I gave you a shot, and while your efforts were admirable ... I'm bored. You ruined my pants. Goodnight, Blair.


I'll have one drink with you. Unless you can convince why I should stay of course.
Blair. Well, just because we've reached an impasse at a certain issue doesn't mean we can't be friends.


Blair: I've been thinking about changing my signature scent. I've been trying out a new one, I can't decide if I like it. Would you mind?
Chuck: [sniffs Blair] Smells a little like desperation.

Dan: Seeing you the other night was very nice. I know the first leg of the Dan-Serena let's be friends tour was a disaster, but...
Serena: Well, we were young and stupid then. Now we're older and wiser.
Blair: You have to help me destroy Chuck Bass!
Dan: I'll take that as my cue to leave.
Blair: Aww, you're very perceptive!

Just because you two are making a doomed attempt at being friends doesn't mean I have to play the enabler.


Blair: I have an itch that only Chuck can scratch and he won't oblige unless I tell him I love him.
Dan: You need help getting Chuck to sleep with you? Really?
Blair: [to Serena] You hear the judgment in his voice right now right?
Serena: He's working on that.

Dan: DO you love him?
Blair: NO! No, of course not.
Dan. So why don't you just say it to get what you want? Frat guys have been doing that since ... forever.
Blair: I can't! If I say it then Chuck wins.
Dan: But... if you say it then you get him and you win.

Blair: I was thinking I'd just disappear for awhile. Give him a taste of life without me.
Dan: No, that's a terrible idea. Don't disappear. Become unavoidable. Chuck may be a deviant but he's still a man. Drive him crazy. Wear him down. You should be good at that.
Blair: Look who finally got a little interesting.
Dan: I'm sure it's a fluke.

Gossip Girl Season 2 Quotes

Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.

Cheers to that, Blair. Nothing says welcome home like a bottle of bubbly... or a scandal bubbling.

Gossip Girl