Blair: I hope they take it well. Nothing matters more than our child being born into a big happy family.
Louis: Are you ready?

On the Upper East Side, it's not what you say that determines who you are. It's what you do.

Some stories open the door for something more. And then there are fairytale endings where the girl gets her prince. And endings that turn you introspective about your own life and your place in the world. And then there's the ending that you saw coming a mile away, and yet somehow still takes you by surprise. But don't worry, my Upper East Side friends. This story isn't ening. We're just at the start of a brand new chapter. XOXO —Gossip Girl.

Look, your reputation reflects directly on me. And frankly this book leaves yours in tatters. So prove to me I made the right choice hiring you. I want this book and you're going to get it for me. So whatever you did to Dan Humphrey, undo it, okay? You have a week.


Jane: I want this book.
Serena: Well here it is.
Jane: I want the movie rights to this book.

In literature, there are thousands of endings. Some happy, some sad. Some end with a twist.

Dan: Is everything okay?
Rufus: Well last night was your big night. I didn't want to ruin it for you.
Dan: Well it kind of went down on its own. What's going on? Did you not like the book?
Rufus: Of course I did, you're a beautiful writer. It just... broke my heart.
Dan: Dad.
Rufus: I gave up my career to raise you and I never regretted it, not once. Until yesterday when I read what you really think about it. A has-been turned trophy husband who married for money.
Dan: No, that is not what I think of you. You more than anybody should understand artistic license.
Rufus: I never expected to be your hero. I just didn't think I'd end up the fool.

Dan: Hey Dad.
Rufus: Your reviews. I guess you have a lot of reading to do today.

Chuck: Seems like I'm always off on my own.
Lily: I thought you liked it that way.
Chuck: I don't want to be the unrepentant bad boy, who no one cares lives or dies.
Lily: It's just a book, Charles.
Chuck: What if it isn't?
Lily: There are people who care so deeply about you, if you would just let them.
Chuck: Blair is lost to me.
Lily: I know. I'm sorry.

Blair: Louis—
Louis: Don't. I'm ashamed enough of my behavior. I know you have a complicated past, but you've been honest about it. It's hard for me. I want to believe, but every time I turn it seems there's another secret.
Blair: That night at Constance, you gave me a choice. And now I'm giving you one. Either you find a way to trust me, or you let me go.
Louis: I could never let you go.

Blair: I wish I was telling you this at a better time, but... I'm pregnant.
Serena: What? Oh my gosh, Blair! That's amazing. Wait, that's good news, right?
Blair: Well I was happy. So happy. But now, what if I'm in this alone.
Serena: No. You're not alone. Ever.

Seems Dan Humphrey is on the fast track from Lonely Boy to Only Boy.

Gossip Girl Season 5 Quotes

Dan: It's Blair's Save the Date.
Rufus: You're not happy. You guys are still friends, right?
Dan: Yeah. Friends. I wonder if she invited Chuck.
Rufus: If he's anywhere that FedEx can reach.

Dan: Dad! What are you doing here? I thought you'd still be in London helping Jenny set up St. Martin's.
Rufus: She and Eric kicked me out when I didn't know who Sierra Burton was, so I came back here early and thought I'd spend some time with you.