It's a traumatic brain injury. It's not boot camp.


She could die, and I'll never—I could miss her whole life.


Callie: I need to see my baby.
Cristina: She's mostly tubes and wires. And she looks more like a chicken than a baby. Like a featherless, beakless chicken. You want to wait until she's cuter.
Callie: You're the worst godmother ever.
Cristina: You picked me.

The baby won't wait. You can pick her up. You can hold the baby. Mark can hold the baby. I can't hold my baby. Don't tell me it's ok.


Discharge her please. I'll pay you.


After a trauma, your body is at its most vulnerable. Response time is critical. So you're suddenly surrounded by people—doctors, nurses, specialists, technicians—surgery is a team sport. Everyone pushing for the finish line. Putting you back together again. But surgery is a trauma in and of itself, and once it's over, the real healing begins. It's called recovery. Recovery is not a team sport. It's a solitary distance run. It's long. It's exhausting. And it's lonely as hell.


I mean, come on, I'm all for mother-baby bonding, but not when it will kill the baby. Why do you even ask me these things, huh? I thought you were a doctor.

Dr. Stark

The only good thing that came out of the date were these cannolis, which, as it turns out, is exactly what someone needs when they are having a hypoglycemic episode.


Owen: How'd she take it Karev?
Alex: Bitchy, cause she's a bitch.

Lexie: Right out of your butt.
Alex: Shut up.

If I do all of the logistical crap, I mean it's a project the hospital should fund, right?


Lexie: He solicited a patient for money.
Cristina: What are hooking now?
Alex: No my African kid thing.

Grey's Anatomy Season 7 Episode 19 Quotes

It's not safe. The last time she was in a car she nearly died. We both nearly died.


You're right. You are absolutely right. Cars are not safe for children. Ok, neither are bookcases or squirrels, strong winds, people who sneeze. They're all going to get your baby. But honey you don't feel this was because you were in an accident. You feel this way because you are a parent.
