[narrating] To do our jobs we have to believe defeat is not an option. That no matter how sick our patients get, there's hope for them. But, even when our hopes give way to reality and we finally have to surrender to the truth, it just means we've lost today battle. Not tomorrows war. Here's the thing about surrender, once you do it, actually give in, you forget why you were eve fighting in the first place.


Meredith: So I guess a big wedding won't be that bad.
Lexie: I'm just sad 'cause I didn't get a chance to see you in the actual dress.
Meredith: You will.
Lexie: How? I mean, if Derek and Mark don't make up how...
Meredith: You're my sister Lexie. You're in the wedding.
Lexie: Oh my god. I'm gonna be a brides maid? Oh my god, I don't know what to say.
Meredith: Well, you should wait and see what Izzie's picked out for you to wear. Then you'll have plenty to say.
(Mark and Der walk in... together)
Derek: Do you want one?
Mark: So much. We can still catch the last half of the game.
Derek: Yeah, that's what I was thinking.
(Mer and Lexie look on dumbfounded)
Meredith: You can stop eating now.
Lexie: Oh thank god!

(to Meredith) You make a beautiful bride.


Bailey: Is there anything else you need before I go?
Arizona: No. You wanna sit a while?
Bailey: No, I do not want to sit. I've been sitting and lying down all day.
Arizona: Dr. Bailey.
Bailey: Holding a child. If I wanted to spend the day holding a child, I would have stayed home to hold my own child. I didn't do a single medical thing today. I didn't even put a band aid on a patient. I'm... I'm just tired. I'm done.
Arizona: Are you gonna tell your husband?
Bailey: What would I tell him?
Arizona: That it's more than just cutting. Pedes is more than just cutting. And, what you did today was heroic, and you know it.
Bailey: Ok. Maybe I'll tell him that.

Mark: You know that's the first actual compliment you've ever given me?
Derek: It wasn't a compliment, it was a simple statement of fact.
Mark: See, why do you do that? Why can't you just give a person a compliment?
Derek: If you have to ask for a compliment, it's not a compliment. Are you asking for a compliment?
Mark: Yes!
Derek: Then it's not a compliment!

Derek: He has a long recovery ahead of him. He has severely damaged his facial nerves, shattered his inner ear, and lost a great deal of blood.
Patient's wife: Oh my god.
Mark: But, he'll be fine. He'll be in some pain for a while, but he'll be fine.
Patient's wife: Oh my god, thank you. Thank you both so much.
Derek: Thank Dr. Sloan. That kind of bleed, not many surgeons could have handled. He saved your husbands life. Would you like to see your husband now?
Patient's wife: Yes, thank you.

Owen: I jumped. In front of her car. And she was just driving to the bank.
Dr. Wyatt: Are you talking about Cristina?
Owen: I jumped in front of her. I knew, I knew I wasn't together. I knew no good for her, or for anyone. And I wrecked her. And that is unforgivable. I don't forgive myself for that. I can't forgive myself for that. And I feel shameful about that. That is what I fell today. Shame.
Dr. Wyatt: Good. That's a start.
Owen: How is that a start?
Dr. Wyatt: You named it. The feeling. You have to know what it is, before you can start to navigate to somewhere better.

Arizona: What happened?
Callie: He ah, gave me an ultimatum. He said if I didn't come home, he'd take away my trust fund. He'd cut me off. So, I cut him off. I mean, if he can't accept me for who I am... I cut him off.
Arizona: Are you ok?
Callie: No. I mean yeah, I... don't know.
(Callie starts to cry. Arizona hugs her)
Arizona: Oh.

Cristina: 98 over 72. That's good. That's good.
Izzie: Don't. Don't try to make me up better than I am because I'm not. I'm sick.
Cristina: You had an incredibly high dose of IL2 today, this is how you're supposed to feel.
Izzie: All I wanted to do today was flip through magazines, and call caterers, and make Mer try on dresses I knew she'd hate. I thought it would be fun or funny. I thought I could be the same person I was when I woke up this morning, but I'm not. I'm just another patient trapped inside a sick, dieing, cancer ridden body.

Mr Smitson: I called 8 organisations and they have a wait list for emergency funds. I don't know what to do. I just, I don't know.
Bailey: Mr Smitson, it's time to stop now.
Mr Smitson: Maybe if we just go to the airport they'll let us on a flight. I mean, people do things like that right? For a sick child they'll...
Bailey: Mr Smitson...
Mr Smitson: No! Please don't make me stop. Ok? Please don't make me stop! Please don't make me stop!
Bailey: I don't wanna stop either. But, Jessica is terminal Matt. In a few minutes her heart is going to stop. Now, I can... I can pump her chest, I can push all sorts of medicines, I can put her on a ventilator 'cause she'll no longer be able to breathe on her own. But, even with all of that, she's going to die. And the last person who will have had her hands her, who will have been able to touch who was gonna be me, or a nurse. Or it could be you. So, you don't wanna miss this. This next part, she needs her Daddy for this part.
Jessica: Daddy, are we going to Mexico?
Mr Smitson: Yes, we're going to Mexico. Where the sky is blue, blue. And the sand is white. The waters so clear that you can see all the way to the bottom. We're going. Just you and me. No more doctors, no more medicine, no more hospitals. Just you and me. (Jessica flatlines) We're gonna go. You just relax, we'll be there soon. (Bailey turns off the monitor) We'll play on the beach all day, and we'll make sand castles. We're going. We'll be there soon, you'll see. We're gonna have so much fun. Just you and me. Just you and me.

Derek: We should do a middle falset craniotomy approach, lets go some down burs in here.
Mark: Don't bother. I ordered them before we started. I may be irresponsible and untrustworthy out there, but I'm not in here.
Derek: I never said you were untrustworthy.
Mark: You put the berlin wall up around Lexie.
Derek: Well, Meredith asked me to. That's what people do when someone they care about asks them to do something. They do it. Which is what you should have done when I asked you to stay away from Lexie. Or Addison for that matter.
Mark: Oh, here we go. Addison. The only note he can ever play.
Derek: You know, was gonna apologize for decking you, cos I felt bad. But now, I'm just gonna play it over and over again in my head and really enjoy it. (Patients starts bleeding out) Oh Hell...
Mark: It's coming from the Therogloid plexus. Give me the ah, 4 O vicryl
Derek: The 4 O vicryl.
Mark: Give him the 4 O vicryl.
Derek: Clamp.
Mark: You know what, I'm done. I give up. If I hadn't fallen for little Grey, you would have found some other way not to respect me, you always have. To you, I'm always gonna be the charity case the Shepherds had to take in. I got the bleeder.
Derek: You got through the stitch already?
Mark: Yeah.
Derek: Hmmm.

Meredith: Ok, before you guys go in there and start cutting on this patient you need to apologize to each other. If not for the patient, for me. Or, for Lexie. Look at her! Her face is breaking out, her ass is humungous.
Lexie: It's true, I had to get the scrubs with the elastic waist band.
Meredith: If you don't apologize right now, she's not scrubbing in.
Lexie: I won't, and you can't make me! (shoves another cookie into her mouth) This should be a joyful time. Your best friends getting married, you should be the best man.
Derek: The Chief will be my best man.
Meredith: What?
Lexie: Is my ass really that...
Meredith: Lexie, would you excuse us please? (Lexie leaves) The Chief?
Derek: The best man is my choice. When are you gonna let go of the grudge you have against the chief?
Meredith: Derek, the man had an affair with my mother. Broke up my parents marriage, and basically destroyed my childhood. Meanwhile, you've been best friend with Mark for 20 years, and you're willing to throw all that away over nothing. So, don't talk to me about holding grudges. I'll get over mine, when you get over yours.

Grey's Anatomy Season 5 Episode 20 Quotes

Meredith: Does it bother you that I don't wanna wear it? Because I... I could.
Derek: I don't want you to wear it. You're not a ring bride.
(Mer looks at him)
Derek: What?
Meredith: I'm not really a church wedding bride, or a poofy white dress bride either.
Derek: We'll get naked, and get married in a field with flowers.
(MerDer giggle together)
Meredith: I'm not a naked bride!
Derek: What about scrubs? We could get married in scrubs.
Meredith: Oooh, now there's a wedding I could get into.
Derek: We gotta go.
Meredith: Oh... So I told Izzie she could help out with the wedding. It helps keep her mind off of everything, and I'll tell her about the scrubs and the no church. I guess we have a theme. Simplicity.

[narrating] Defeat isn't an option. Not for surgeons. We don't back away from the table till the last breaths long gone. Terminal's a challenge. Life threatening's what gets us out of bed in the morning. We're not easily intimidated. We don't flinch, we don't back down, and we certainly don't surrender. Not at work anyway.


Grey's Anatomy Season 5 Episode 20 Music

  Song Artist
Song Vagabonds And Clowns Mostar Diving Club
Sweetheart Jont iTunes
Song Summer Came When We Were Falling Out Shady Bard