Owen: A quick consult Dr. Yang?
Cristina: What are you doing?
Owen: I realized the reason why I haven't told my mother I'm back is because part of me is still over there. I made a commitment to the army that I wasn't able to fulfill. If my unit hadn't been destroyed. I would still be there. So, no wonder I can't sleep at night, or look my mother in the eye. No wonder you and I, we can't move forward. My work there isn't done. Until it is, I have no business being here. So, I've decided to go back.
Cristina: I have to go.
Owen: Cristina
Cristina: What?
Owen: Come on.
Cristina: I'm sorry, what am I supposed to say?
Owen: I could use your support.
Cristina: You don't have it.

Meredith: My mother disappeared right in front of me. Everything she had, everything she was. Her dignity, her memory. In the end she wasn't even my mother anymore.
Derek: Izzie is not your mother. She doesn't have an untreatable brain condition. She has a tumor, and it can be treated. Don't make this personal Meredith.
Meredith: I wasn't.
Derek: You went to Izzie, as a friend, and you made up her mind for her. So, now as my resident, you go back there and change it! Because this tumor will kill her!

Derek: She may be your friend but that doesn't give you the right to go in and talk her out of a surgery you know nothing about. You're not her doctor. You're Swinder's resident, which does not only make it inappropriate, it's unprofessional.
Meredith: Derek.
Derek: You crossed the line Cristina.
Meredith: No she didn't!
Derek: And this...
Meredith: I did. I'm the one who convinced Izzie not to have the surgery. I'm the one you should be yelling at right now.
Cristina: Well, I'm gonna go now. Unless you wanna apologize? (Der looks at her) Ok.

Alex: You're having the surgery.
Izzie: What?
Alex: Shepherd said this is your last shot.
Izzie: Look I under-
Alex: I am your husband, and I say that you are having the surgery!
Izzie: What happened to "this is your decision."?
Alex: That was when I thought you were gonna make the right one! But, you chose wrong so now you don't get to make this decision on your own, because you married me! It's not just your life at stake anymore! It's my life too. My life with you! So you can tell Swinder whatever you want, but I'm telling Shepherd, and I'm telling you that you're having the surgery!

Alex: What's going on?
Cristina: Oh, we're just going over Izzie's IL2 schedule.
Alex: Oh, for after the surgery?
Izzie: I decided not to have the surgery.
Alex: What?
Swinder: Maybe we should come back. Dr. Yang.
Cristina: Yeah.

Arizona: (starts crying) I am mad at you. And, I'm crying because you're the boss. My boss. Which brings up issues of authority and my dad, who you kind of remind me of. Not that you're old, but you command respect. People respect you. I mean, I now I do and I know Bailey does. Which is why I'm mad. Because, it's wrong Sir. It's wrong and mean to use a robot to lure Dr. Bailey back into general surgery, because I don't have a robot. All I have are little kids, and they're not as fun as a robot. And they're not shiny, and new, and silver, and they don't have things coming out of their belly buttons. But, I will fight you, and I will win. Sir.
Richard: You think you can fight me, and win?
Arizona: Yes!
Richard: Good luck.
Arizona: Because I have something that you don't have! I have joy! Sir!

Arizona: (With a stern face, eyes Richard off) Chief.
Richard: Yes Dr. Robbins?
Arizona: Chief.
Richard: Did you wanna tell me something?
Arizona: I am going to cry, and I just want you to know that I know it's going to happen. And, I just want you to ignore it. And, I'm not crying because I'm upset. It's just what happens when I get mad at people of authority.
Richard: You're mad at me?

Richard: Dr. Robbins. Dr. Bailey performed Seattle Grace's first single incision gall bladder removal.
Arizona: Oh wow! Cool.
Richard: Through the patient's belly button.
Arizona: And now it's kind of creepy.
Bailey: No no, you should have seen it. No scars, no bleeding, in about half the time it would have taken laparoscopically.
Richard: You wanna do one after lunch? I've got another colie.
Bailey: You don't mind?
Arizona: Oh so, I guess I'm on my own for this afternoon. My neuroblastoma. No no no no, don't worry. You don't have to. You'll have the rest of your life to do neuroblastoma's.
Bailey: Well then I'll see you after lunch Sir.
Richard: Ok.

Allison: Don't do it. That's my vote. Don't have the surgery. I didn't. I friggin hate surgery.
Izzie: I'm hallucinating Allison. I have really long conversations with dead people, and i see that aren't... Like right now, for example, I'm pretty certain there aren't birds flying over your head, because this is a hospital and that would be weird. But, that's what I'm seeing. I have a brain tumor. Am I really not gonna let them cut it out?
Allison: I didn't let them cut out mine. It's like... ok, one minute I'm this college kid. Rowing crew, and being an idiot, and forgetting to bring my sunscreen, and thinking it doesn't matter. Because, I'm me, and life has turned out pretty good for me. And then the next minute they're cutting into my body every other week. I had 15 surgeries, and then I said... enough. Forget it. I'll rogue through in heaven, or whatever. And then, the IL2 worked. It worked. I come here every 3 weeks, I get my medicine, and I don't have a brain tumor anymore.

Meredith: You couldn't remember anything. You didn't know my name. You didn't know who Derek was. (Mer tears up) You didn't know who Alex was. You couldn't even remember how to speak.
Izzie: How come I don't remember any of this.
Meredith: Because, the tumor is sitting right in the middle of everything that makes you, you. I was standing there talking to you exactly like i am now, only you weren't there. You weren't you. You were gone.
Izzie: So, what do I do?
Meredith: Well, Swinder has a patient. Female, 22 years old, metastatic melanoma.
Izzie: Allison Clarke?
Meredith: After 3 months of the IL2 her mets were gone. All of them. You're not having this surgery.

Alex: I need you to not talk medicine to me ok. Talk to me like I'm your friend. Like I'm the guy whose cereal you eat in the morning, and tell me what to do.
Derek: Karev.
Alex: Please.
Derek: Karev, I can't tell you what to do.
Alex: What if it was Meredith? What would you do if you had to choose between spending a few more months with Meredith knowing she was gonna die. Watching her... watching her sick. Or spending the rest of your life with someone who looked like Meredith, but wasn't her anymore? (Der looks at him saddened, thinking about it) She is the one good thing that happened to me. The one good thing. So I need to know what to do. I need you to tell me, what if it was Meredith.
Derek: I would ask her to have the surgery.

Swinder: The test impaired your memory to such a degree that I have to strongly recommend that you don't have the surgery.
Derek: Izzie, the test was the worst case scenario. The result has nothing to do with the surgery.
Swinder: We don't know that.
Derek: But what I do know is that not operating is every bit as risky as the surgery itself. If not more. But, it's up to you.
Izzie: What do you think?
Alex: I think he's talking to you, not me.
Derek: I'll leave you two alone to discuss this.
Alex: Ah, I'll come with you. I have a couple of questions.
Izzie: Wait, Alex.
Alex: Think about what you want to do for a second, ok? I'll be right back.
(everyone but Mer leaves the room. Mer closes the door)
Meredith: You are not having the surgery!

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

COOPER: "It's wrong?"
NAOMI: "You need to meet a grown up. You need to date someone your own age."
VIOLET: "Someone without a porny internet name and perhaps no criminal past."
NAOMI: "A nice girl."
VIOLET: "A reliable girl."
NAOMI: "Someone who you can have a relationship with."
VIOLET: "You’re a respected doctor."
NAOMI: "Go out in the real world. Meet a woman your own age and go out."
VIOLET: "Be a man."

ADDISON: "You work with your ex-husband in a shrine for your ex-husband."
NAOMI: "It’s actually a good book. And we're friends. And we stayed friends after we divorced. It’s very healthy. We're healthy."
ADDISON: "What happened between you and Sam?"
NAOMI: "Addison, you and I were close in med school, but it was a long time ago."
ADDISON: "Oh, Naomi. Come on. You can’t stay mad at me forever. I know you."