ALEX: "That was a memory. That's what it's like sometimes. It doesn't always come back all at once, it can happen in bits and pieces."
JANE DOE: "Don't get all..."
ALEX: "Dude, your memory's coming back!"

JANE DOE: "She's got my dad's nose though. Girl's gotta have a big personality to pull off that nose. [pause] What?"
ALEX: "You remember your dad."
JANE DOE: "No. No, I don't."
ALEX: "You just said..."
JANE DOE: "I know, but I... I have no idea where that came from."

PRESTON: "Cristina!"
CRISTINA: "Test day!"
PRESTON: "What am I supposed to tell the minister?"
CRISTINA: "Test day!"

PRESTON: "Look, I know this is test day and I'm not supposed to be talking about the wedding on test day, but since tomorrow's our wedding day..."
CRISTINA: "You have five seconds. Go."
PRESTON: "Bill Adams can't make it. I have no best man."
CRISTINA: "Oh, no, baby, I'm sorry."
PRESTON: "And I need your vows -"
CRISTINA: "Okay. Time's up!"

DEREK: "Hi... Look, I know, I know this is an impossible day for you, so I just wanna say one thing: I brought a black suit. Just in case."
MEREDITH: "Thank you. But I think this is something I need to do by myself."
DEREK: "Okay. If you need me, just... just let me know."

CRISTINA: "How do you treat pancreatic divisim?"
IZZIE: "Ugh, Cristina, if you're not gonna let me sleep you have to at least let me put coffee in my cup."
CRISTINA: "Okay, so go. No one's stopping you."
IZZIE: "I'm too tired to go."

"A surgeon's education never ends. Every patient, every symptom, every operation... is a test. A chance for us to demonstrate how much we know. And how much more we have to learn."

MEREDITH [narrating]

GEORGE: "What is the strongest layer in the small bowel?"
IZZIE: "Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it…"
GEORGE: "It is... not... snot... "
IZZIE: "Submucosa!"
GEORGE: "Yes!"

CRISTINA: "Plates and little place cards? Ok, he’s turning into a girl."
IZZIE: "I think it’s sweet. He obviously cares about this stuff."
ALEX: "This white one tastes pretty good."

MIRANDA: "His testicles have swollen, which is the understatement of the year."
CRISTINA: "Fantastic! How much? No, uh, don’t tell me. Let it be a surprise."
MIRANDA: "Look, you and Grey can take him for his ultrasound and his X-ray."
CRISTINA: "The V.I.Penis."
MIRANDA: "Just go!"

MIRANDA: "I know I said you could use the day to study but we’ve got an all hands on deck situation."
CRISTINA: "Bad car accident?"
MEREDITH: "Multiple gunshot wounds?"
MIRANDA: "A penis. The chairman of the board’s penis."

CALLIE: "Why don’t you just go there already?"
ADDISON: "Because he doesn’t barbeque either. Plus he’s like 12 years old and could fit all his belongings in a milk crate."
CALLIE: "Well, guys like Karev… at least you know he’ll never lie to you. Guys like him, they must run in their 20s, but then they, you know, pack it in and teach their kids to play catch."
ADDISON: "Maybe. Ahh, I need to stop thinking about both of them."
CALLIE: "And I have to stop thinking about Izzie Stevens."
ADDISON: "Hey, Callie, here’s the thing. When you’re obsessing about something like that, there’s generally a reason."

Grey's Anatomy Season 3 Quotes

I wanted to come over here this morning to tell you... But now all I want to tell you is that I'm in love with you. I've been in love with you forever. And now you have a choice to make. I want you to take all the time you need, I don't want to rush you, but I love you. Just take your time. Because when I had to make a choice... I chose wrong.


What, so all of a sudden I'm the president of people with crappy lives?
