What we need is a sophisticated rules engine in place. What I see is no rules engine.


Hayley: I don't want money. I want to work on it.
Joe: DEAL!:
Hayley: I want to be able to come here and work on it instead of going to class for one period. It can be my independent study.

Joe: Why did you send it to him?
Cameron: I thought it was good.

I'll just keep talking cause I think you're still there. Are you there? Well, I'm here.


Gordon: John, what do we gotta pay.
Volpe: Guys, I'm afraid you do not hear what I'm saying. There is no more pipe for you period.

So, do you know what you want?


Cameron: Am I cruel?
Gordon: Of course not. Why would you ask that?

Joe: Like he decides right then and there that no God who would give so much beauty to such a useless creature would fail to let him to live forever. Like his faith was restored.
Cameron: Is that what you believe?
Joe: I don't know. I guess I...I hope there's something more.

Joe: You know, it is so good to actually talk to you.
Cameron: Yeah, you too.

And you figured that because I hired the Blue Man Group, I must have cash fallin' from my pockets.


Joe: You're so good at what you do.
Cameron: Joe...
Joe: No, really. Don't let that asshole take that away from you. He's a parasite. You create. You make something out of nothing, and I have always been in awe of that. And not to ruin the moment, but I really, really gotta piss!
Cameron: Oh my God, me, too! [both drop their phones and run]

It was that really intense crying when you try to hold it in and you can't so you almost go into convulsions.
