Oh, I'm really ready for this day to be over.


Parker, the bolt gun killer has the tattoo. He's one of the guard, and I'm getting in with them.


They took his eyes out with a spoon. His eyes.


Nathan: I'd like to talk to you again.
Jordan: Cause this went so well.

Nathan, I don't think this is about you not trusting me. I think you're pissed because Audrey does.


I was Lucy. I could feel being Lucy. That's never happened to me before.


It's not stupid. It's regressive hypnotherapy and I blew three days on the web trying to figure it out.


Okay. I will take you to my secret oyster field. Have you ever had Blue Point oysters, drizzled in absinthe?


Audrey: He expelled his lungs through his mouth?
Nathan: Or, somebody reached down his throat and ripped them out.

Audrey: Does anyone like it when their shrink says "interesting?"
Claire: Nope. That's half the fun saying it.

Tommy: You guys have a fertility clinic in this little town?
Nathan: Yep. We even have a few traffic lights, too.

Tommy: Okay. I'm all ears. And if I get the slightest sense that you're snowin' me, I'm bringin' in the FBI, the Staties and TMZ.
Nathan: There are some things you need to know about this town.

Haven Quotes

The guy threw a manhole cover at me, okay? I'm just sayin'.


Nathan: You just punched me against the room!
Duke: Yes, that's true.