Lily: It's your turn, I was on point for six straight hours yesterday!
Marshall: Two of those hours were a nap and you know it!
Lily: Let's go to the board!

Get, drunk, of course! Good circling Ted.


Ted, tonight is gonna be Epic- wait for it...Dary! Wait that's not it, how do I usually say it? Ugh I hate this Quinn girl!


Last week I went out with a girl whose favorite band was Glee!


Where has this heavenly vehicle been all my life? Can you hear it's inspiring chant Ted? I think I can get laid, I think I can get laid, it's the little engine with wood!


How I Met Your Mother Season 7 Episode 16 Quotes

Last week I went out with a girl whose favorite band was Glee!


Where has this heavenly vehicle been all my life? Can you hear it's inspiring chant Ted? I think I can get laid, I think I can get laid, it's the little engine with wood!
