You should probably let him get his rocks off before you two settle in. You should do the same. Wish I could do the same.

Calista [to Joss]

Alec: You got somewhere you need to be?
Karen: As a matter of fact I have a date tonight.
Alec: Is it a first date?
Karen: Yes. It's a blind date.
Alec: Well you should definitely cancel. You look like hell.

Harry: I thought we weren't talking?
Joss: We're not.

Harry: Never in a million years from where we started, did I think we'd end up here.
Joss: Where would you say we are?
Harry: Happy?

  • Permalink: Happy?
  • Rating: Unrated

A hairline of mistrust, without immediate attention, can become a real break.


Joss: I slept with Harry!
April: Oh my God!
Karen: Congratulations?
April: Are we happy?
Joss: Yeah we are.
Karen: You don't look happy.

It isn't just that Alec doesn't find me desirable anymore, I don't find me desirable anymore.

Vivian [to Karen]

Vivian: How much do you love this weed?
Karen: It's a miracle.

Joss: Nothing, Harry. I just, you know, I didn't, I didn't do this for this.
Harry: You didn't do what for what?
Joss: Lose my sister to casually date you.

Vivian: You're afraid that you're attracted to my husband, aren't you?
Karen: What?
Vivian: You're pushing us together, so you don't pull us apart.
Karen: Oh, God. Something's wrong with me.

Marc: You really like him, huh?
April: Yeah, I guess I do.

I hope it was worth it.

Scott [to Joss]

Mistresses Quotes

Customer: Is this the sexy sheet section?
April: This is the satin section. What's sexy to one person is a slippery elbow in the face to someone else.

Savi: Where's your wedding ring?
Harry: It's in my pocket.
Savi: Put it on.