Calista: Hm, I've always wanted a sister. Must be hard to lose one.
Joss: Thank you for saying that. And only that.

You know the only reason we're here at all is because you reached out to my sister and you asked her for help. And really that's all I was asking from you.

Mark [to April]

Karen: Do I fall out? Of the group?
April: What are you talking about?
Karen: Without Savi, do I fall out? I'm afraid with her gone, our friendship will fade.

You never, ever work for free. Your time is worth something.

Calista [to Joss]

Men like women with their hair down. At least your husband does.

Model [to Calista]

I am always trying to do the right thing. Always putting other people's needs above my own.


You should probably let him get his rocks off before you two settle in. You should do the same. Wish I could do the same.

Calista [to Joss]

Alec: You got somewhere you need to be?
Karen: As a matter of fact I have a date tonight.
Alec: Is it a first date?
Karen: Yes. It's a blind date.
Alec: Well you should definitely cancel. You look like hell.

Harry: I thought we weren't talking?
Joss: We're not.

Harry: Never in a million years from where we started, did I think we'd end up here.
Joss: Where would you say we are?
Harry: Happy?

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A hairline of mistrust, without immediate attention, can become a real break.


Joss: I slept with Harry!
April: Oh my God!
Karen: Congratulations?
April: Are we happy?
Joss: Yeah we are.
Karen: You don't look happy.

Mistresses Quotes

Customer: Is this the sexy sheet section?
April: This is the satin section. What's sexy to one person is a slippery elbow in the face to someone else.

Savi: Where's your wedding ring?
Harry: It's in my pocket.
Savi: Put it on.