Lily: I push the buttons Daddy!
Cam [in tears]: You sure do!

There are very few parenting issues where I come out on top. I'm distant, I work too much, my french braiding is sloppy. Finally something that's not my fault!


You're not by chance wearing the locket, are you?

Jay [to Manny]

Is it one more year or when you leave for college, because those happen to be two different things.

Alex [to Haley]

Alex: Could you L a little less O L? Can't you see what I'm trying to do here?
Haley: Die alone?

Claire: Could you grab an extra virgin-
Phil: I think one's enough for the sacrifice.

I realized if I was gonna raise a boy, I was gonna have to butch up my life. I wanted to be able to teach all the things to my son that my dad taught... Claire.


Buffalo Phil. Worth the wait.


Phil: Which one's "bossy?"
Cowboy: That's my nickname for your wife.
Phil: Haha awesome.

It was supposed to be special; someone with a high GPA and bright future, not a Mario brother!


Mitchell: What's so great about destroying stuff?
Luke: It stuff into chunks of flying stuff!

Just for the record Mrs. Dunphy, if Haley wasn't my girlfriend and Mr. Dunphy was out of the picture, I would be honored to share your bed and raise Luke, Alex and Hayley as my own.


Modern Family Season 3 Quotes

Look I'm the horse whisperer but something is making this one skittish!

Gloria [screaming]

Cam: You hate her sparkly outfit, don't you?
Mitchell: No I told you it was fine, I just didn't like you wearing a matching one.